The schemes for irrigation development are conceived, planned and implemented by the respective State Governments as per their own priorities as Water being a State subject,. Government of India encourages the State Governments to create additional irrigation potential through early completion of the ongoing major and medium irrigation projects and taking up surface minor irrigation schemes in special category States, tribal and drought prone areas by providing grants under Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Programme (AIBP). Central grant is also provided to States under the schemes for “Repair, Renovation and Restoration of Water Bodies†(RRRWB) and “Command Area Development and Water Management†(CAD&WM) for efficient utilization of created facilities.
As per the available information, total irrigation potential created during 2005-09 is 6.71 Mha. State-wise irrigation potential created during the year 2005-09 is given below.
There are instances of decline in groundwater table in some areas due to over-exploitation of the groundwater resources impacting the various uses of water including irrigation. About 15% of the Blocks / Talukas / Mandals have been identified as over-exploited blocks where the ground water extraction is more than the natural replenishment of the same. Necessary measures have been initiated for ensuring sustainability of the groundwater through appropriate regulation and management of groundwater and implementation of schemes for groundwater recharge. Central Government has circulated to all States and Union Territories a model Bill for regulation and control of ground water development. Eleven States have since enacted legislation for regulation of ground water. A scheme for “Artificial Recharge of Ground Water through Dugwells†has been approved for implementation in 7 States namely, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. The scheme provides for 100% central grant to small and marginal farmers and 50% central grant for other farmers.
Due emphasis has been laid on irrigation development during XI Plan. The overall outlay for water resources during XI Plan has been enhanced to Rs. 2,32,311 crore against the X Plan outlay of Rs. 95,743 crore. The outlay for AIBP and schemes of RRRWB and CAD&WM for the XI plan are Rs. 39,850 crore, Rs. 2,750 crore and Rs. 1,600 crore respectively.#
India's ultimate irrigation potential is about 139.9 million hectare (Mha)
Special Correspondent - 2010-01-22 20:20
The ultimate irrigation potential for the country has been assessed to be about 139.9 million hectare (Mha). As per the available information, about 105.8 Mha of irrigation potential has been created so far. Total area under irrigation varies from year to year. As per the Land Use Statistics of Ministry of Agriculture, gross irrigated area and net irrigated area during 2006-07 have been estimated to be 85.8 Mha and 60.9 Mha respectively.