The communication sector became more open with cries of their mounting losses. A foreign owned net work claimed loss of Rs.2309 crore in June and its claim mounted the loss for October ten times of the June loss. Another establishment controlling nearly 70 per cent business in the sector has been crying hoarse for two years of losses though it introduced new services. The losses in this vital sector, symbol of modernization have come without any increases in tax burden or due to reduction in rates. It could have come due to heavy reduction is usage. The heavy drop in demand in every sector is the cause of continued economic crisis since 2017. The slump in demand for vehicles fo0rced three thousand show rooms to wind up in the last one year.

More surprising is the depression in small scale entrepreneurs. The cash crunch following the demonetization forced them to pull shutters on their establishments resulting in heavy unemployment.
Even after difficulties are over, they have not restarted their ventures. How are they surviving without supportive incomes? This is intriguing question.

The government banned the periodical publication of statistics of unemployment but ban could not provide jobs or bring bread for satisfaction of their hunger. It needed concerted efforts and corrective measures. After all NaMo had won a clear majority on the promise of rapid economic growth. Now he was facing the rapid downward trend. Instead he rushed to not only abrogate the constitutional provision that accorded the special state status to Kashmir. He went beyond the original demand and wiped out even existence of the state by converting it to be union territory. It may have achieved to make irrelevant the two ruling families of Kashmir but has not encouraged the state population to seek to be integral part of India.

The road blocks to construction of the Ram Temple over the disputed site in Ayodhya were demolished with the verdict by the five judge bench of the Supreme Court. The reading of the judgment gives a feeling of it being a political verdict rather than a judicial pronouncement of rights and wrongs. The Bench did not accept propriety rights of the Muslim community over the disputed piece of land over which was the Babri Masjid as the community could not produce documents or evidence of propriety rights. Even then it refused to give the propriety rights to the majority community trust. Instead it gave land to the government with directive to form within three months a Trust for construction of the temple and give land to the Muslim community to construct their mosque. Thus new places of worship for both the communities would come up. Thus the second it on agenda has now been met. The party would insist on implementation of the third item of uniform civil code for all communities. Not only the Muslims but also other communities like Sikh, the Tribal and Naga people would also need to follow similar patterns in their social behavior. It may cause problems in future as it has potential to be misconstrued as an effort of the majority to rule life and customs of all minorities.

But immediate trouble can come from continued economic crisis. Only recently reports are pouring in to indicate most advanced nations are closing their borders not only from students but also job seekers from outside. With government’s attention diverted to resolve the crises related to religion that will be assisting young to realize their aspiration of economic comforts through a better job. NaMo has been striving, or at least such is general belief based on his frequent foreign visits to entice foreign capital to India to accelerate the economic growth. The government attention was diverted to implementation of issues that are relevant to only old.

Young have no alternatives to look for even if they come to conclusion that even the NaMo government indulged in narrow games of furthering the 95 year old religious objectives. The world has changed in last 50 years and Indi has not remained immune to these changes. The global economy concepts may not have brought rapid economic growth but they have certainly led to rapid social transformation. Governments have been emphasizing on education and drastic reduction in birth rates. The global economy concepts have imbibed in minds of even poor families that only education can bring dignity to life of their next generation. Quality education to prepare them for more lucrative jobs was essential. Their realisation of their inability to educate more than two children has brought down the birth rate below 2 per thousand heads.

No opponent is campaigning on these issues. India’s problem is neither with Pakistan or fermenting trouble with China. The problem is being formed with America and Britain closing their borders to Indians. The Prime Minister had given hopes with his assurance to convert young of India into the exportable skilled work hands with proper skill training. They can see his attention has been diverted to resolving the issues that are not relevant to their dreams.