What was more embarrassing for Chief Minister Yogi Adiyanath and BJP leadership was that these BJP MLAs shouted slogans against their own government. It all started when BJP MLA from Loni constituency Nand Kishore Gujjar was denied the opportunity to raise his case of victimisation by politics in alleged forged cases again him. When Nand Kishore Gujjar protested inside the UP Assembly he had the support of 200 party MLAs who joined him in the dharna.
It would be worth mentioning here that recently a video went viral in which the MLA was shown with food inspector talking about meat shop. The MLA alleged that he was humiliated by police inside the police station and other places. FIR was also lodged against MLA and his supporters mounting pressure in connection with meal licence for meat shop.
BJP wrote a letter to CM Yogi Adiyanath and other senior leaders but instead of getting patient hearing from the CM, inquiry was set up against him. So BJP MLA had no option but to raise the issue inside UP Assembly during the inaugural session of winter session of UP Legislature.
The manner in which 200 MLAs of BJP came out in support of their party MLA also shows the expression of pent up anger and frustration with the functioning of the government. There have been several instances in the past when party legislators and MPs protested against the manner in which their genuine grievances were not properly addressed by the government and the administration.
The irony is that not only MPs and MLAs, even ministers find it difficult to get work done through the bureaucracy which is dominating the scene. Party MPs, MLAs and other leaders find it very difficult to get their work done through CM Yogi Adiyanath.
There have been several meetings for better coordination between party and the government but main grievances remain unattended. Unless the party take remedial measures at the earliest it would be very difficult for BJP to control the anger and frustration in party legislatures and other leaders. (IPA Service)
Pradeep Kapoor - 2019-12-18 13:27
LUCKNOW: Perhaps it was for the first time in any state in the country that 200 MLAs of BJP staged dharna against its own government inside Uttar Pradesh Assembly. Significantly enough they were supported by opposition MLA who also joined them in dharna.