It is an undeniable fact that the ideology of Hindu Rashtra had no role in the epoch making freedom struggle. If any, it was to play as a tool in the imperialistic strategy of ‘divide and rule’. After the first war of independence in 1857 the British colonialists were eager to find ways to divide the Indians. They knew in a country like ours religion was the best way to penetrate. Soon seeds of hyper religiosity with extremist permutation were sowed. There were takers of this aggressive thought process amongst Hindus and Muslims. In 1925 itself RSS came to the scene with its proclaimed goal of Hindu Rashtra. Muhammad Ali Jinnah and the demand for Pakistan followed the suit by 1940.
While analysing the recent Citizenship Amendment Act, the above mentioned historical facts too need to be taken into account. The protagonists of the Act consciously attempt to depict it as a simple piece of legislation aimed at providing citizenship to certain people who are forced to leave their countries of birth due to persecution. While specifying certain religions by name the drafters avoided a particular religion. Thus they bring forth the idea that religion would be the basis of conferring or not conferring citizenship to any person. This move of the RSS-BJP government is something alien to the basic idea of India and its time tested constitutional philosophy.
It is an atrocious political plot to undermine the foundations of this great nation built on pluralism, and finally to convert it into a theocratic Hindu Rashtra! As the prelude to this political game plan, they are bent to create a dividing wedge between the Hindus and Muslims of India. Unleashing anti-Muslim tirade across the country their henchmen have already created a sense of fear and insecurity among the Muslim population.
Cries of “go to Pakistan” which was their watch word ever since the BJP came to power was not accidental. In this fury, Modi government has committed a diplomatic foolishness through shouting to the whole world that there exists religious persecution in neighboring countries. Forget Pakisian. What about Bangladesh and Afghanistan – the neighbors with whom India strives to strengthen relations due to strategic and political reasons? Further, there are reports from Afghanistan that in recent months they have conferred citizenship to hundreds of people from Hindu minority living in that country. During the years of Modi rule plight of minorities, especially Muslim minority in India is a matter of concern for all right thinking people the world over. Mob lynching and killings of Minorities and Dalits have become order of the Day.
Even the Supreme Court was forced to make comments over those inhuman incidents. With this back ground, it is quite natural that the CAA would enhance the feeling of insecurity among the already aggrieved citizens of India. Statement of the home minister that this Act is not anti- Muslim will not pacify their justifiable anguishes. Experience tells people that when the words of BJP leaders go northward, their deeds go southward! The people who have come to the streets are representatives of crores of Indians.
The students who raised the slogans against CAA are msons and daughters of secular India. They oppose the draconian act because they know that this dark legislation would kill India’s ‘unity in diversity’. The prime minister says that they can be identified by their clothes, we the people of India ask him how he can do so? Among them, there are Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Jains, and everyone, they are the real defenders of the country and its vibrant secular democracy. All of a sudden, the Indian campuses have proven that they are the torch bearers of real knowledge and real national pride. Beneath their clothes beats a heart that strives to build an India for which our forefathers fought. Let the government heed their voice. Let them do justice to the Indian Constitution and withdraw the Citizenship Amendment Act forthwith. (IPA Service)
Binoy Viswam - 2019-12-20 14:04
The inevitable struggle has begun, may be earlier than expected. The struggle is between two ideas, rather ideologies, ideology of secular state and ideology of theocratic state. One is represented by the Constitution, with its great legacy of freedom struggle and the values of unity in diversity. The other is concept of a nationhood based on the parameters of religion which they call the Hindu Rashtra. Those ideological battles attained a new form and vigor with the ascendance of Narendra Modi for a second tenure, its early roots could be traced in the crucial period of India’s freedom struggle.