The pandemonium began in the House after Zero hour when former chief minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan raised the issue of Sambal scheme and demanded benefits to the poor under the flagship scheme launched by the previous BJP government.“Poor people are being denied the benefits of Sambal scheme, children are not getting benefit of free education, while the power subsidy has turned into a nightmare due to inflated bills. The government should come clear on its plan when the benefits of the scheme will reach to the poor” said Chouhan.
Joining the chorus, Leader of Opposition (LoP) Gopal Bhargava said “The guest lecturers are protesting in cold weather for their demands, but the government has refused to lend its ears to their vows. Government should make clear whether they will be regulrised or not”.
Replying to the queries, state higher education minister Jeetu Ptwari said that government is taking action as per the constitution. “No teacher will be expelled, or removed. The government plans to allot posts as per their qualification”, Patwari replied amid noisy scenes. When members from both the Opposition and treasury bench got involved in a verbal duel over the issue, Speaker Prajapati suggested them to keep calm.
During the heated debate former CM Chouhan levelled allegations that corruption and transfer mafia flourishing in the Congress led state government. This was vociferously objected to by the treasury benches.
Amid the bedlam, a BJP member stooped into the well raising slogans against the government. They also chanted, “Bharat Mata Ki Jai”. When the Speaker asked the treasury benches to continue the House business, BJP members staged a walkout demanding regularisation of guest teachers.
As heated exchanges continued between the treasury and the Opposition benches on the issue and uprorarious scene, the Speaker continued the proceedings and asked to take up four call Attention Motion of the total 24 proposed in the House.
The Speaker tried to pacify the members of the treasury benches and the Opposition, but the legislators did not pay heed to it. Amid the din, which continued for almost 50 minutes general administration and legislative affairs minister Govind Singh proposed adjournment of the House for an indefinite period. The Speaker transacted the listed business of the house and adjourned it sine die.
But during the session one unique event took place which was appreciated by all. Due to some happenings opposition members decided to boycott a function which was to be held in the Vidhan Sabha premises to release stamp of Mahatama Gandhi. The moment speaker came to know about opposition members resolve to boycott this function he called on the leader of opposition Gopal Bhargava and requested them to attend the programme. Opposition members accepted the speaker’s request. This gesture of speaker was appreciated by concerned persons.
While government faced wrath of the opposition, a section of the ruling party was also not very kind to some ministers. About 20 of them met at the residence of Arif Masood and expressed their resentment against some ministers. They pointed out that some ministers do not listen to their grievances and not solve problems which they brought to the ministers attention. They decided to bring their grievance to the Chief Minister’s attention. They also decided to hold such meetings from time to time.(IPA Service)
L S Herdenia - 2019-12-24 10:22
BHOPAL: Another session of Madhya Pradesh Assembly elected in 2018 has ended abruptly without completing the duration for which it was summoned. Abrupt adjournment was the fate of the assembly elected in 2013 also. At that time BJP occupied the treasury benches and Congress was in the opposition. Now roles have reversed. Now Congress controls the government and the BJP is in the opposition. No business in the interest of the common men could be done except the passage of supplementary budged.