The National Environment Policy (NEP 2006), among others, have recognized specific environmental issues pertaining to Mountain Ecosystems of the country and elaborated upon the elements of Action Plan to be taken up. Under recently released National Action Plan on Climate Change, the Government of India has envisaged 'Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystems' as one of the 8 National Missions. The mission is aimed at evolving management measures for sustaining and safeguarding the Himalayan eco-system.
Consultations were held with Himalayan States through G.B.Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development (GBPIHED), an autonomous institute of the Ministry, with headquarters at Almora, Uttrakhand, and its four regional units located across Indian Himalayan Region (IHR) in Srinagar(Garwal,Uttrakhand), Itanagar(Arunachal Pradesh),Gangtok (Sikkim) and Kullu (Himachal Pradesh). Recently, Government of India participated in the Himalayan Chief Ministers' conclave held at Shimla on 29-30 October, 2009, wherein,it was resolved to jointly face the challenges of climate change and sustainable development in the region.
The neighbouring countries adjoining the Himalayas have also been consulted for the purpose. India is a member of International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), an independent nonpolitical intergovernmental organization of eight regional member countries of the Himalayan region. The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between GBPIHED and ICIMOD, signed on 25th September, 2008 enables Government of India, through ICIMOD for synergizing resources for improving sustainable livelihoods in the Himalaya. This regional cooperation attempts to use science and technology for providing integrated and innovative solutions for achieving ecologically and economically sound mountain environment in the region.#
New Policy to save Himalayan Environment soon
Special Correspondent - 2010-02-01 10:59
New Delhi: The Government of India is in process to formulate policy to save the environment of the Himalayan region and consultations have been held with the States in the Himalayan region in this regard. Mountains, including the Himalaya have been placed on priority agenda for environmental conservation.