Injured were mostly of leftist orientation, and a group, active for last three years, put immediately on social media a video clip to prove that the entire incidence was fabrication to malign the ruling party. The video showed the students’ union president talking to one masked intruder. The very act of putting video clip on social media indicates that the social media active group had before hand preparations to meet the ensuing indignation. The sharp adverse reactions in international comity as well as within even in the Bharatiya Janata Party prompted the home minister to immediately ask for a probe into incidence. The union finance minister Nirmala Seetharaman and the Nobel Prize winner A Bannerji, both of them studied at the JNU in the same batch, were indignant at use of violence inside the campus.
The JNU has become a battle ground for two opposite ideologies. For two decades the rightists could not win a single students union elections. So the rightist group, of highly intolerant and extremist stances and attitudes, has been propagating the JNU to be campus of anti national activists. They accuse the leftists of abusing the campus for their stay and cheap food with the union government footing the costs. The JNU was created to provide opportunities for young of the less blessed families with economic resources for their children to pursue higher education courses at the minimum costs. Children of opulent families generally prefer studies outside India as they can afford the costs.
The rumpus manipulated at the campus in 2016 after the Prime Minister Narendra Modi went to Lahore to participate in the family celebrations of the birthday of the Pakistan Prime Minister as a part of his efforts to improve relations between two neighbours. The police had then entered the campus to interrupt a seminar and arrest the students’ union chief for pro Pakistan slogans. The BJP organized demonstrations outside the court premises with the Delhi BJP Legislator threatening the accused in police custody that he would have shot him if he had gun. No disciplinary actions followed against the legislator for his public threat and accused was acquitted but not before the Prime Minister adopted the anti Pakistan stance.
The change was in association with timing of the emergence of a new devout club inside with condemning everything and every action of others that is not in consonance with its ideas. The defence of the violent incident inside the campus is part of the new extremism growing in the political arena.
In democracies , politics is nothing more than a competition among various groups with different ideologies and action plans for betterment of people. Their different solutions cannot be branded as anti national activities by the winner as the home minister has done to brand opposition as pro Pakistan agents because they oppose his scheme to divide Indians on the basis of their denominations. The home minister had even said that the Congress had accepted the region based division of India in 1947. The alien rulers had made the region based partition as non negotiable condition for their leaving the Indian shores. In any case it was division of land and not minds. The Congress had never asked anyone to leave India with parting of their homes and lands that their families had for decades or anyone to come to India by parting with their ancestral assets. The new law for citizen ship is now dividing them on the basis of their religion. The threatened move for registration of citizens on the basis of their religion was to be irrevocable step in that division. The protest against such a division is not tolerable to new devout fan club.
The prevailing belief that two electoral victories of Narendra Modi is ensuring sign that the ideology has come to stay for eternity. The belief shows inability of the group and its instigators to comprehend essence of the greater achievement of Narendra Modi. The traditional but divisive issues as core points in the philosophy of the Sangh dominated political wing had consistently failed in 15 elections. NaMO had brushed aside these issues and brought in focus the economic growth at a rapid pace. He reached the highest point as his campaign broke holds and barriers that had kept India divided in caste, class and religious compartments. He had unified Indian politics to revolve around only issue that can make India to earn respect of other nations. The Heads of three economic powers, America, Japan and China had come rushing to India within months of the 2014 elections with its unprecedented outcome.
He may not have evolved consciously his campaign strategy with such far reaching outcome but his strategy became the cause for the effect and it helped to propel India’s image across the world. It became possible as the essence of Indian civilization is in its truly democratic and tolerant structure. Indians have options to adopt any of million images and deities as their own. The Bhakta mandali overlooks that the BJP lost power in five states and could not wrest power from other hands in four states. It could barely win in Gujarat. Nothing is permanent in democratic systems. As Mark Twain once remarked the democracy may not be best method of governance but nevertheless it is the most acceptable form of governance. The Indian civilization outlived 11 others only because Indian strength is tolerance. Indians have tolerated even the non believers in democracy for nine hundred years. The intolerant group may not survive but Indians will certainly assert and eventually win because they refuse, as their inborn habit, to wield swords.
Vijay Sanghvi - 2020-01-07 15:46
The Modi fan club that believes to ensure his stay for eternity does seem to be over zealous. Fifty masked men laced with iron bars and canes descended on students’ hostels in the Jawaharlal Nehru University campus and left 37 bleeding profusely including the students’ union president. The Delhi police took three hours to reach after the complaint of ambush but with explanation that it took three hours for permission to come in their hand to enter the campus. The Delhi police also claimed that the violence in the campus was a result of clash between two groups of students. It does not explain though why masks were needed except to conceal the real identity.