These movements were launched for cleansing of the socio-political lives of the people and also for eradication of corruption from the body politic. But these movements could not be sustained. While the people had come to believe that Indian society will lurch, the students in particular had turned disillusioned and sceptical of such movement. They had accepted it as the fait accompli. This is the reason that no major students’ movement was witnessed even at the state level during these years.
In this backdrop the current student’s movement has come as a pleasant surprise. What in fact forced them to hit the streets even at the cost of sacrificing their lives and studies is a major question that stares at the face of Narendra Modi and Amit Shah. The pan-India student protests are not just about scrapping of the CAA or the NRC. It is bold step for protecting and preserving the basic character and identity.
During the quit India movement of 1942, Mahatma Gandhi was physically present to guide the students. But in the existing time his ideals are the guiding spirit. Significantly this is also for the first time that the movement does not have any established leader to lead. The students and their leaders have been guiding and designing the contour of the leader. It is still in search of the icons and the ideas that can capture the imagination of this generation.
At the core of the non-violent protests against the CAA, NRC and NPR is the message of peace and equality and an affirmation of solidarity with values enshrined in the Republic’s founding document. But it is indeed a matter of shame for the BJP that its leaders have been trying to malign the student’s movement and in their efforts have been describing as a movement with Muslim cause. The government has unleashed the worst kind of torture and repression on them. How could any one forget the ruthless thrashing of the Jamia students, boys and girls alike. That was the blackest day in the political history of India. The police actin even surpassed the brutality of Hilter’s police.
A closer look at the movement would unravel that more than the Hindu-Muslim issue, the students hit streets to foil any attempt of Modi-Shah combine to finish the basic Republican and Socialist character of the country and its Constitution. Common people nurse the view that generally students prefer to keep away from the politics, but the participation of the students from some of the most colleges and educational institutions in the agitation makes it explicit that Indian students are cautious and concerned of their social and political commitments.
The BJP had tried to create an impression that the patriotism and nationalism were the top agendas of the people, but the student’s response simply belies the saffron claim. Through their movement the students have exposed the hollowness of the government claim that it has a mandate to change the idea of India and establish a Hindu state. The students have sent a strong message that we are not fighting for ourselves but for their Muslim brothers and sisters which symbolises the spirit of India.
A letter by some eminent people underlines “The NPR 2020, unlike the NPR 2010, not only asks the names of the parents of the resident but also seeks to record their dates and places of birth. A person who is not able to furnish these details… could well be classified a doubtful citizen”.
The country-wide demonstrations against the CAA, NRC and NPR, led by students are a call for the reinstatement of democratic processes, and a warning to the deliberate destruction and compromise of democratic structures by the ruling elite. In spite of the merciless attacks on students at Jamia, Aligarh Muslim University, and JNU, students have stood their ground and fearlessly challenged this brutal onslaught. It is clear that all these actions are encouraged by the Narendra Modi government. Indian student in UK are also on war path against the government and have accused the rulers to polarise populations and intimidate opposition.
The determined resistance to the threat to constitutional values builds hope. What in fact has been quite intriguing is the assiduous silence about its efforts to find a solution to the issue. The Modi-Shah combine presenting the public face that they have been unfazed of the students movement. The most significant development that is being witnessed is, the government resorting to violent actions has produced the biggest awakening of the Constitution and the protection of values of pluralism and secularism.
In destroying the space for questions and dissent, the government is destroying the basis of all growth; political, economic, cultural and social. The students have been primarily concerned of this development. They are worried of their future; what will happen to them if government implements its divisive policies. Universities are the centres of learning and creativity, encourage to speak truth what will happen if this foundation is demolished.
The new generation of students who have entered higher education is not satisfied with just getting an entry. They nurse new aspiration. Their aspiration for a dignified livelihood should be viewed as the harbinger of a socialist revolution. (IPA Service)
Arun Srivastava - 2020-01-10 10:32
The independent India for the first time during 70 years of existence has been witnessing unique students’ movement. In the past we had seen militant student’s movement, precisely Naxalite movement. But that movement was primarily confined to West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh. In seventies Bihar and Gujarat also witnessed students movements agitation.