That they had an assigned role was clear because they were the same men who crossed all limits when they clamped on Jamia Millia students. It was the same much travelled path, of antagonism and avenge. There was no relief for the target masses. What happened in JNU, Jamia, DU or AMU was not sudden, it was built up for months and years. There was the attack on idea of nationalism, then on the secular scientific syllabus, the courses, finally the fee hike, which was direct attack on survival of students. This measure was taken in JNU and the entire student community here fought to reverse it. But they were not alone in facing the ordeal. The nightmare had started in the campus and spilled over now on the streets. So has the opposition. Staggering number of citizens are joining in, old and young, men and women, spending nights on the streets, singing for Azadi, despite the horrors piled over them.
Now the protest that started here, is not restricted to campus demands, it has gone much beyond that as the country has been witnessing agitations against NPR-NRC-CAA. It is knifing the composite culture, the ultimate beauty of our existence as Indians. They are trying to set afire various parts of Uttar Pradesh, one example is Muzaffarnagar. They are trying to feed the canine instinct of the common masses and get them in it head over heels. The ‘normal’ is today itself scary and they are themselves afraid of the new reality where they have failed to keep the system intact. The decline is unprecedented, eroding the entire system. It has also induced an extremely slow pace to the growth in the eight core sectors, contracting it further in October 2019, leading to nose dive in the production in most core sectors. This is indicative of the dangerous abyss facing the system. The downward slide of the GDP growth rate would be faster in the days to come. The participants in various economic sectors have lost faith in the system.
For example, there has been a straight fall in the production of electricity, according to data shared by the Commerce Ministry.
Up to the quarter of September, core sector growth had come down by 5.1 per cent, a fall which was unprecedented as the observers noticed and that too without any possibility of upward move. The eight core sectors, that are coal, crude oil, natural gas, refinery products, fertilizers, steel, cement and electricity, the pillars of industrial performance and also indicators of progress in the rate of performance every quarter, do not give any hope.
The same sectors had shown a growth by 4.8 per cent in October 2018, while their cumulative growth during financial year 2018-19 was 4.4 per cent. The fast fall in growth, that is taken as negative growth, points to low level of industrial activity.
It is a warning, direct and simple but cutting straight without any exaggeration. It is the predicament, a reality which can never be ignored. It was about the stalling of economic development that came eroding public trust in independent institutions. The country stands on the debris of system and the regime that rules feels highly insecure. They suspect every industrialist, banker, policymaker, regulator, entrepreneur and finally the citizens. Hence the steps are taken to muzzle each one.
In fact the extent of slump in the economy has already indicated that the social, political and electoral strategy also has to be linked with the economy. Hence to bring life to economy, the BJP has to take stock of its socio-political stances, its divisive thrust that breeds brutal violence and finally stop the ideological, political and economic subversion. (IPA Service)
Krishna Jha - 2020-01-17 12:12
It was a peaceful gathering at the Sabarmati T-point in Jawaharlal Nehru University of unarmed, uninhibited students and teachers. There was no roaring challenge, only a simple but powerful NO. It was NO to any attempt to destroy democracy, to violate Constitution. JNU was built up to nurture the young and the talented, coming from any background. With minimum resources, they could come and study, it was the promise, the university was committed to meet. As it was getting dark on January 5, television screens were slowly filled with images of masked men smashing everything that came in the way. It could be a back, a knee or a skull. The nation was stunned. The mayhem continued for four hours, police remained a mute spectator. Those who were there to protect, shared the glee. They had turned into accomplices, with an assigned role.