It was a political miracle not only in the outcome terms but also presenting a new image of Indian youth seeking dignity and did not seek to survive on charity from the government or from higher class of Indian society. Major economic powers had tasted ability and intelligence of young Indians working in their regimes for five decades. They had proven their abilities superior to minds from all other nationalities. Their achievement was nothing but a revolution to demolish border barriers of all nations to reach targets in various lands. Young minds were immediately enthused to respond.
One tended to believe the outcome would make conservative minds seeking to impose their traditional concept of religion based nation to adopt new truth. Perhaps Narendra Modi was also under the similar impression. For fifteen months threw in abundance new ideas. Attempts to force him back to the old agenda did not succeed immediately for his response was complete silence and in reiteration of his priority of clean rather than religion wedded India.
But soon gradual change in him was evident. Gone from his public postures, in his public utterances and his new devised programmes was his dream of converting India into super economic power. It is difficult to ascertain whether had preferred to fall back on his two decades training or was forced to under pressure applied behind curtains and public eye. Did he believe that his political miracle would force the traditional minds to give up their conservative ideas to march in step with new world? He had no fear of rising in his old colleagues for they were stunned more than the rest and accepted to be in his company though their political stature was reduced and political powers inherent in offices given truncated in the system of governance adopted by NaMo. In his first term, not a single discordant voice was heard. Yet his forward move was also stilled.
The sudden reversal of his approach towards Pakistan and immediately after his impulsive decision to attend the family celebrations of the Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif‘s birth day was enigmatic change. There was no new provocation to give up efforts to improve relations. The reversal indicated the hollowness of his assertive political posturing. He was greatly mistaken that the Sangh would easily give up its 90 year old dream with one miracle. The last two years of his first term clearly indicated that he would not be allowed to seek the second term. In first term he had not attended to selection of candidates to ensure their loyalty. For the second term he depended on selection by the party chief Ameet Shah. He may have realized soon in his second term his grave miscalculation. He proved with the second stunning electoral victory with 20 seats added to earlier tally and that too without delivering any of his earlier election promises that his image was the only winning ace in the camp. He was sworn in as he Prime Minister. The three steps in first six months of his second term stand out in stripped contrast to not only his first term but also his earlier stance. For ten years as the Gujarat chief minister he stood at doors on the Muslim families to take their girls for modern education. He was consistent in including the Muslims of his state in his every public stance and in private conversations. His main slogan for the 2014 election was ‘sabka sath sabka vikas.’ In five years, he induced the Muslims to reassess NaMo.
His government not only took away special protection guaranteed by the Constitution provisions to Kashmir but also took away the rights of the state voters to elect their rulers. The path to construction of the Ram temple on the controversial site in Ayodhya was opened by the Supreme Court verdict. But the cause of the political tornado of protest was in amending the citizenship act. The NaMo government has not sought more power in amending the law but used it to convey that the Muslims from the three neighbouring countries would not be accorded citizenship. Assam had led the tornado even though the state had voted the BJP in the last assembly election, as the basic problem was not religion but infiltrators affecting their livelihood with their willingness for work even at half the notified minimum wages. Infiltrators were seriously affecting, regardless of their religion, the prospects of the local population for earning life. The state survey in August last year had identified 23 lakh infiltrators.
In six months of the second term, the Prime Minister Narendra Modi spent more hours in air travelling for his foreign visits or even inside the country. In his absence the control of the PMO, the nodal agency in the NaMo implemented system of governance was under the command of the home minister. He had to rush the Ramlila grounds to assure agitated populous that there was no intention of denying citizenship to the Indian Muslims through census in different form. The National Population Register is not a new idea and yet causes misgivings because indication of the rabid approach was reflected in amending the citizenship law. That brings one to again seek the answer whether Narendra Modi left his baggage for converting India into a super economic power of his free will or under the pressure.
Vijay Sanghvi - 2020-01-29 18:16
The Prime Minister Narendra Modi left behind his baggage that had helped him to perform a political miracle. Lotus, the election symbol gained a clear mandate in the 2014 election after the 13 earlier failures. Lotus was absent in two elections in 1977 and 1980. He had fought single handedly to overthrow the coalition in the office for two terms. He succeeded only because he had new package to offer to Indian voters that were fed on concepts of charity as development programmes. He promised only hard work and no free lunch in his regime. His promise of accelerated pace of economic growth had achieved the miracle.