Bengaluru’s Anubhav, a renowned name in the Indian racing circuit will be competing in the full marathon (42.2 kms). The 31-years-old winner of various marathons across the country is confident of adding yet another title to his kitty as he takes to the starting line. However, it will not be that easy task for him as he would up against a strong field of 12,000+, featuring some of India’s best marathoners.
Local favourite and two time defending champion Anjali will be the cynosure of all eyes in the female category. Anjali, who is India’s fastest female runner in 100k category and has participated in several international events, will be hoping for an encore and to register a rare three-peat at the Kolkata Full Marathon.
In the Half Marathon (21.1 km), it will be a two-way fight between Deepak Bandbe and Shiva Hang, while in the female category; Preeti Rai is touted to take the title.
The eve of the marathon turned out to be an extraordinary and motivating day for select marathoners, including two very special runners, 70-years-old Arun Singh and amputee, Uday Kumar as they got a chance to get up close and personal with the IDBI Federal Life Insurance brand ambassador Sachin Tendulkar. The Master Blaster regaled them with some real life stories from his cricketing days as well urged them to never stop trying and give their best shot on the track tomorrow.
One of the most prestigious events of the country, IDBI Federal Life Insurance Kolkata Full Marathon 2020 will see runners compete in four different categories: Full Marathon (42.2k), Half Marathon (21.1k), Timed 10K and everyone's favourite Fun Run (5k). The Full Marathon will start at 4:30 am, while the half marathon will be flagged off at 6:00 am followed by the 10k and the Fun Run at 7:45am and 8:15 am respectively.
Sachin Tendulkar will flag-off all the categories from the Rangers Ground.
Organised by NEB Sports, the event has been certified by AIMS (Association of International Marathons and Distance Races), in association with AFI (Athletics Federation of India) and will see participation from across the country with people from all walks of life participating in it every year.
Special Correspondent - 2020-02-01 17:17
Kolkata: Elite Indian runners Anubhav Karmakar and Anjali Saraogi will be aiming to underline their supremacy at the IDBI Federal Life Insurance Kolkata Full Marathon 2020, which gets flagged-off from the Iconic Rangers Ground here on Sunday morning.