The union home minister Ameet Shah is branding as anti nationals and traitors and his colleagues go even beyond to condemn all those opposed to his moves to convert citizenship to be based on religion. Or to be more precise, he is seeking to eliminate one religion from criterion to qualify to be citizen. The definition of patriotism in their eyes is only in endorsing what the ministers want. The Prime Minister Narendra Modi attempted to convert the style of governance into one man rule but he was made in 15 months that there was a superior authority and he cannot defy it or ignore it.
His home minister Ameet Shah also proved with his assertion of a possible move to prepare soon a national register of citizens. The storms of protest broke out in every part with the non BJP state governments declaring their intent not to implement the amended citizenship law. The authority to grant, deny or even withdraw citizenship had always remained in hands of the union home ministry. The states had no authority even to recommend. It meant their objection was their exterior association with the protest. Even the Prime Minister publicly denied any proposal for registration of citizens afresh. First time since May 2014 he had publicly denied his senior minister. Ameet Shah remained stuck to his stand and a week later confirmed in the Lok Sabha that the proposal was yet not approved. It reflected his thinking. He seemed to have backing from more powerful sources in the BJP structure and the Prime Minister had also to fall in line and condemn all those protesting against the potential move.
Most protesting young had suspicions that the new census for registration as citizens might be used to reduce their status and convert them to be residents only and not as citizens. They cannot be deported as no country would accept them. They cannot be exterminated as Adolph Hitler had done. They know Indians and their peculiarities, particularly their power and intensity to tolerate others. First invasion had come in 765 AD with the Arab Ruler of Persian Empire invading the port in Sindh to deal with the menace of pirates from the Southern Sindh. As no resistance came from any other ruler, he converted his hold into a permanent province reigned by his nominee. Only after few years he expanded his provincial hold to bring other areas of India.
Indians of two lower classes constituting almost 60 per cent remained perennially indifferent to the ruling political authority as the political authorities remained indifferent except for recruitment as labour for carrying arms of fighters or supply goods. They were forced labour taken away for the war leaving tilling of their lands or carrying on their vocations to female members of their families. Many families might have embraced new religion without the divided society in classes or due to food intake coming from the same kitchen. Culture wise and living habits wise they breathed same air and drank same water with similar disinterest in life.
None of them raised their hands with armaments to fight invaders from Mohammed Gajhani to the European traders as no difference was made to their life which invader held the political authority. Now indifference of 12 centuries is being sought to be converted into aggressive postures through the social media. Few braves write their aggressive messages from safety and comfort of their drawing rooms and others in the group continue to forward with their own comments.
No one expects them to come out of their homes with fire arm sor they expected the Indian government following the footsteps of Adolph Hitler though many of their leaders before annihilation of Hitler have praised him and his solutions in words in oral or written expressions. But their fears are of a fate worse than of Jews. They were released of their life and their bodies. But with denial of citizenship and all benefits that accrue from it was to force them to live like already dead. They see the design of denying them rights to live like Indians through denial of citizenship. The proposed procedure of mandatory presentation of evidence of birth of parents in India is like asking them steep uphill climbing. Till 1970 most births took place at homes without hospital facilities or mandatory need to register arrival of new soul in the family. Mandatory registration of birth or death in the family came in force only in 1983. How can anyone provide evidence of existence of parents with social and individual habit of keeping at as far away as possible from the authority? Only progenies of criminals might be able to provide evidence from the police records. The widely reported incident of a poor tribal woman in acute labour pain being turned away from the government hospital as she could not produce her Aadhar card scared them all fearing much worse than the fate of the young pregnant Tribal girl if they cannot provide evidence of their being the Indian citizen.
Most ministers are competing in with Shah is branding he large proportion of Indian population as the traitor and yet know without them they cannot survive.
Vijay Sanghvi - 2020-02-08 18:02
History is normally a success story of victors but there was a sadist ruler in the last century whose saga makes many even now after eighty years to shudder in horror and pain. The harrowing part was as he had exterminated 6 million innocents including women and children as stones for building a dream of a pure empire of thousand years. He did not believe in any religion neither he hated any but had no compunction in exterminating six million innocent Jews to serve his political objective of an empire. He branded them as traitors and enemies of Germany to incite people for acts of betraying them. He created strong storm troopers to terrorize every human .The extermination was described in various ways including holocaust. It was nothing more than a massacre of innocents to serve the political end.