Seven Indian players from the Rajasthan Royals squad will attend the pre-tournament camp. The camp will go on for three days and will be spearheaded by Royals' Head of Cricket Zubin Bharucha who will be assisted by Batting coach Amol Muzumdar, fielding coach Dishant Yagnik and Head Physio John Gloster.
Team's off-season fast bowling development coach, Steffan Jones will also be present at the camp to work with the Pacers and all players on strength and conditioning.
“We are approaching the IPL and all the players have been playing regular cricket around the country and abroad. This camp is an opportunity for us to see how they’re doing fitness-wise and to fine-tune them as we build up to the tournament. It will also be a great opportunity for our players to prepare and get accustomed to the playing conditions in Guwahati,” said Bharucha.
Through the course of the camp, the players will undergo various net sessions, match scenario training, and fitness and fielding drills that will prepare them for the upcoming season. The coaches will be working with the players and providing them with feedback to make sure that the players are in the right state of mind heading into the season.
John Gloster and Steffan Jones will be leading the fitness side of things, making sure that the players are in good shape and have clear plans to get them in peak condition for the tournament. The Indian Cricketers present at the preparatory camp are Anuj Rawat, Ankit Rajpoot, Akash Singh, Mayank Markande, Aniruddha Joshi, Robin Uthappa, and Riyan Parag.
Rajasthan Royals’ Executive Chairman, Ranjit Barthakur visited the camp and had a chat with players. He said “We are really grateful to ACA for agreeing to host us at the Barsapara Cricket Stadium for the training camp ahead of the season. We are working very closely with the organising committee here to make sure we are able to provide the best possible experience for the fans, the cricket community in Northeast as they get ready to witness their first ever IPL game. This camp is to get our players ready to perform at their best and begin the campaign on a high note against the game with Chennai on 2nd April."
As part of the team's social impact programme, "Aurat Hai toh Bharat Hai" the team will be seen wearing training kit that reads a message, "with her, we rise".These jerseys will be signed at the end of our camp and given to empowered women across Rajasthan, that are supported by the campaign.
Special Correspondent - 2020-02-27 16:33
Guwahati: Rajasthan Royals’ Indian players have gathered in Guwahati for the preparatory camp ahead of the 13th edition of the Indian Premier League. The camp is taking place at the Barsapara Stadium and is being conducted to prepare extensively for the upcoming edition of the IPL at the new venue.