Urgent government’s intervention is required to save the livestock including the cows. Saving livestock is as much important as saving human lives, which has been ignored by the lockdown orders of the governments. Alternate arrangements for livestock seem to be totally ingrored by the authorities administering the corona combat strategies. It would be another crisis if livestock start perishing without food and medicine.
Government’s intervention is required even to support smooth supply of milk to the children, because it has been reported from many parts of the country that the small and big dairy owners are unable to supply milk to their consumers. The total lockdown has badly disrupted the supply chain which had created many hurdles for farmers and diary owners not only in supplying the milk but getting food and medicine for their livestock.
It is worth mentioning here that India has a cattle population of 192.49 million as per livestock census of 2019, out of which cow population is about 145.12 million. All the states are badly hit by disruption is supply chain, but Punjab has been reported as one of the worst hit states, where there are nearly 24 lakh cows and nearly 50 lakh buffaloes. Nearly one crore litre milk is supplied daily by the farmers of the state. It has also been reported that many of the farmers had to throw away their milk because they were unable to supply.
Gyan Pathak - 2020-03-26 15:30
New Delhi: Almost all parts of the country are facing acute shortage of supplies of food and medicine for their livestock on the fifth day of complete lockdown necessitated for stopping spread of coronavirus. Framers and others dependent on animal husbandry are now unable to even feed their animals.