The Indian clamp down on activities has become unique to lasted 54 days to become longest in the entire world with two extensions of 19 and 14 days. The main plea was the justification for it that the best solution was to contain its spread through cessation of human contacts. It can be achieved best by locking up everyone in the closed doors. As public transport and plying of private vehicles was banned to ensure no one could reach the work place.

The Prime Minister Narendra Modi did not estimate or anticipate the dire impact of the total lockdownn on 60 per cent population that sustains life of families through the daily earnings. They have no reserves to carry on for nearly two months. The finance minister confirmed the lapse by announcing 44 hours later that she would allocate Rs.1.80 lakh crore for free distribution for three months enough grain per capita to sustain the lockdown period. Hurried thought could not be implemented rapidly to assure that the government would keep its promise as masses had heard him clearly in the 2014 election campaign never to expect free lunch in his regime. Now his government was offering charity of huge amount when the government revenue was sure to dwindle down by closure of all economic activities. The losers took only avenue available, due to closure of rails and bus traffic, of tracking on their feet the long distances to their original homes.

The fan club hailed the Uttar Pradesh chief minister for his humanitarian response to the plight of half a million humans walking through his state. His action of providing them free bus service to reach their home villages in long distances in the neighbouring state was a clear violation of the lock down directive by the union government. For the fan club the violation was acceptable as humanitarian response. Where does it land the NaMo government for the lockdown directive that pushed all economically weak sections to such an inhuman plight?

With suspended breathing entire country was waiting for the decision of the Prime Minister on completion of consulting chief ministers over the resumption of normal life but was surprised by the press note by the Home ministry to declare extension of the lockdown for further two weeks and listing out red, orange and green zones for graded resumption of economic activities. It is surprising that the home ministry preempted the Prime Minister and also few chief ministers engaged in the consultation process. It was interruption of the democratic process by the Prime Minister. Even ardent supporters of NaMo were dismayed by the meddlesome action. The intervention and force behind it remains shrouded in mystery but it reflects lack of understanding of human nature and reactions of masses to restrictions beyond their tolerance level. Masses would soon realize that freedom to restart industrial activities in green zone was as futile as was in the lockdown era. Every item in industrial production sector depends on compliment of small items manufactured outside and supplies of complimentary parts from Red zones would not come for a long time with uncertainty over contentment of the pandemics of corona virus and consequent extension for two more weeks

Unlike Europe in 14th century that faced the pandemic of plague that also came with rats from China and suffered annihilation of half the human population in Europe. No one knew what caused the epidemic and sought solace in nearby church. The world is now in 21st century with huge advances by medical science in last half the century. Dealing with corona virus should not have been difficult had the official agencies undertaken to seek answers as to from where and how infection was transmitted. Instead it was assumed that cessation of public contacts will eliminate the risk of infection spread or at least help in controlling its spread. In second phase of the lock down it spread further to climb numbers of infected and dead. It has now expanded to a level to raise doubts of effectiveness of the Lock down.

No country except India resorted to such a long duration lockdown of entire country. China imposed lockdown only in Wuhan, its fourth city where the infection erupted and not in entire China. Even the European nations severely affected were slow on imposing the clamp on economic activities. The remark of the Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his video conferences with chief ministers saying ‘jan bhi aur jehan bhi (meaning life and livelihood too) dono zaruri hai’ caused misgivings in many minds that he was becoming soft over the continuation of the clamp that had delivered other unexpected advantages.

The Prime Minister suddenly added a piercing twist to the debate by bringing in the issue of economic development by suggesting renewal of efforts to entice big capital fleeing from China without explaining why he was silent for the last four years over the economic development of India. Big capital started fleeing from China a decade earlier, after they had to withdraw from the world markets their products manufactured in China because the China made goods were found to be substandard and lacking in durability. Many large companies had to suffer huge losses in calling back their products.

After their experience of America with changed form of the democratic structure, the big money from USA is weary to go to any democracy to avoid keeping their money bags open to feed many mouths. So far NaMO gave the impression that he was governing the Indian democracy as one man rule nation. The pandemic corona virus has infected the image. He was preempted in his decision on extending the lockdown era.