Opposing the said ordinance, CPIML state secretary has given a call for statewide protest from home in view of Covid-19.

Severely criticising the suspension of labour laws, state secretary of CPIML Sudhakar Yadav said that it would lead to exploitation of workers.

Condemning the attitude of the state government for bringing in the amendment in the labour laws, Yadav said it would curtail the meagre rights that they are legally entitled to.

Similarly, Workers Front general secretary Dinkar Kapoor said that he had received feedback from various employees’ organisations and they all were opposed to suspension of labour laws.

Condemning the suspension of labour laws, Kapoor said that the new ordinance would create more industrial disputes and would also harm the owners when there would be no peace in the units.

Workers Front initially urged the state government to revoke the suspension of labour laws, and in case there was no positive response from the government, then they would move to the High Court.

It would be worth mentioning here that state government recently passed the Uttar Pradesh Temporary Exemption from Certain Laws Ordinance 2020.

The state government recently suspended labour laws for three years in the order to boost the industrial development and employ large number of migratory labourers who have returned to their native places.

The ordinance would apply to factories and manufacturing facilities and fresh investments.

The ordinance will not apply to certain laws like building and other construction workers Act, Bonded Labour Act, Section 5 of Payment of wages Act, Workmen Compensation Act, as well as labour laws related to women and children will not be affected.

This list of laws to remain suspended includes the Minimum Wage Act, the Equal Remuneration Act, the Trade Union Act, the Industrial Employment Act, the Factory Act, the Contract Labour Act, the Inter-State Migrant Labour Act, the Employees Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provision Act, the Employees State Insurance Act and Unorganised Workers Social Security Act. (IPA Service)