For long we have been hearing that India has been a self-reliant country. But his thrust to turn India into a self-reliant country was indeed mystifying. He did not explain in what manner his concept and approach has been different from what so far we have been listening to. Modi said the total economic package announced to deal with the coronavirus outbreak and to make India “self-reliant”, is worth Rs 20 lakh crore or 10% of the country’s GDP.
Modi spoke of the five pillars: the first one was the economy that rose like a ‘quantum jump’, the second was the infrastructure, the third our tech-driven nation; the fourth was the ‘vibrant’ demography; and the fifth ‘is demand. Modi, while speaking on India’s strong demand, said India’s supply chain needs to be equally strong. “For this, all stakeholders need to be together”. He spoke of a strong economy, but the ground realities are otherwise. It is a known fact that Indian economy is in a vulnerable condition. In the wake of corona it has further dwindled. Unemployment has turned a magnum proportion.
Modi’s address comes a day after he held a five-hour meeting with chief ministers of states where in he sought their views and suggestion on extending the lockdown. Some states pitched for further easing of restrictions and more say in deciding which districts should fall under red, orange and green zones.
His linking the concept of “Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan” with the economic package that he announced today was really revealing. It was noticeable tht his idea of self-reliant India did not find any echo in the self-assertion of identity. It is an open secret that a nation for being self-reliant needs more than mere an economic package. A self-reliant India implies an empowered India.
May be he was compelled to resort to this phrase keeping in view the situation that has arisen due to brutal invasion of coronavirus which has completely shaken the economic foundation of the country and confidence level of the people. May he desired to invigorate them.
This is the prime minister’s fifth address to the nation following the outbreak of Covid-19, which has so far claimed 2,293 lives and infected 70,756 people in the country. Modi first addressed the nation over India’s coronavirus preparedness on March 19, where he announced a “janta curfew” on March 22. On March 24, he announced a 21-day nationwide lockdown. On April 14, he extended the lockdown period till May 3. On April 3, in a video message, Modi asked the nation to light lamps for frontline corona warriors on April 5. The lockdown was further extended till May 17 by the Home Ministry.
His today’s address makes a complete departure from his earlier addresses wherein he had emphasised on “jaan” (life). His today’s address gave the impression that he was more concerned of “jahan” (livelihood) and world. His obvious thrust was on competing with the global fraternity.
Through his emphasis on “Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan” at some level he intended to invoke the message of Sangh’s nationalism. He said that self-reliance is the only way forward, but also does not mean a self-centrist approach. "We have to be stronger. We have to save ourselves and keep moving forward at the same time," he says, adding, "We have been hearing that 21st century will belong to India, but this is not just a dream but our responsibility too. But how to achieve it. The current world situation shows, there is only one way: self-reliant India".
The structure of making India self-reliant stands on five pillars. First pillar is Economy: we have to bring an economy that doesn't bring incremental change, but quantum jump. Second pillar is Infrastructure: we need an infrastructure which can become the identity of modern India.
Third pillar is our system: A system that doesn't follow norms of the previous century. It should be able to fulfil our 21st-century dreams. It should be technology driven. Fourth pillar is Vibrant Democracy: It is our strength; it is the source of energy for our dream to make India self-reliant. Fifth is demand: The demand-supply chain is our power; we should use it to its full potential.
To make India self-reliant, this package has emphasized on land, labour, liquidity and laws. This package is for our cottage industries, our small-scale industries, our MSME sectors, which give employment to crores of people, which are the foundation of our resolve to make India self-reliant.
Though Modi talked of labour and had some words of praise for them, his recent apathy towards their miseries and plights simply underlines his populist stance. He said that the future of India rests on the labourers. In tgis backdrop one question arises how could then he prefer to ignore the? It is a known fact that around fifty labourers have lost their lives while trying to escape the nightmares of the corona. But he was unmoved. Still today while he was eulogising their contribution to the development of the country, lakhs of these labourers were being denied of one time meal and surviving on alms.
Yet another feature of dualism being practiced by him and his government was suspending and abolishing their basic rights to agitate. On the plea of serving the interests of the capitalists. These labourers were facing the worst nature of exploitation and crisis in BJP ruled states. This is the most deplorable development that has taken place in the country. It is beyond comprehension how could a prime minister whose government is out to curb labourers’ hard earned rights deny them this privilege.
Modi said. "This economic package is for that labourer of the country, for that farmer of the country who is working day and night for the countrymen in every situation, every season. This economic package is for the middle class of our country, which pays taxes honestly and contributes to the development of the country".
Modi propagates the use of local-made products. "Local has saved us. It is not only a necessity, it is our responsibility. Local has to become our 'jeevan mantra'. Today's global brands were once local. We should use local products and also promote them vocally," he says. He says; | "We have heard that the 21st century will be India's. Our resolve is much bigger than the crises. We have to save ourselves and continue our fight. We will not give up or accept defeat. The crisis has brought a key opportunity for India. We are at a critical juncture in this fight. A self-reliant India is the only way forward. We need to make India excel in a post-Covid world order. Today when the entire world is in crisis, we will have to further firm our resolve".
A look at the parameters suggested by him makes explicit his priorities. He said that the structure of making India self-reliant stands on five pillars which are economy, infrastructure, technology-driven system, vibrant demography and demand.’ No doubt like any other country coronavirus pandemic is an opportunity for India to be self-reliant. The country has the capability and talent to manufacture world class products. (IPA Service)
Arun Srivastava - 2020-05-13 09:54
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s message to the nation just ahead of launching the fourth phase of ‘lockdown’ measures was primarily recapitulation, populist in nature and designed to boost his personality cult. His speech lacked any definite direction. The speech did not carry the signature of Narendra Modi for which he is known.