They are compelled to go to their native places on foot facing even brutal lathi charge. They have walked thousands of miles. The fate of unorganised toilers is also pathetic. The lives of petty vendors have become miserable. If announcement of lockdown would have come prior to its imposition they would have reached safely without any hardships.
Trains were arranged after CPI leaders knocked at the doors of judiciary. Central and state governments were made as respondents in their petition. As majority of such workforce do not have any identification cards, they could not get either kind or cash during this lockdown period. Actually these sections are creating wealth of our nation.
According to a survey of prestigious Azeem Premji University, 60 per cent workers lost employment during this lockdown period. Some of them, though employed, were not paid their wages.
Government should keep it in mind that country means not corporates alone. Country means organised and unorganised workers, migrant workers, farmers, petty vendors and other toiling sections including employees. Nirmala Sitharaman, Union finance minister has declared 1 lakh 75 thousand crores as package, that amounts 0.8 percent of our GDP. In this package, already declared welfare schemes prior to lockdown are also included. If this amount is subtracted it comes to mere 0.5 percent alone. How the special stimulus package of 20 lakhs crores equivalent to 10 percent of our GDP, is going to be distributed is point to be debated. If it is going to improve living standards of people as a whole, definitely it should be welcomed, but if the lion’s share is going to corporate sharks, it is grave injustice. It is a well known fact that Modi’s government is pouring concessions after concessions to the tune of six lakhs crores per year. Very recently bank loans to the tune of 60,870 crores were waived off as bad loans.
Prior to this banking sector being bailed out with government coming to rescue by sanctioning thousands of crores. If again corporates get the major share, definitely this government is by the corporates, of the corporates and for the corporates. Now crux of the issue is how much share is going to the creators of the wealth, that is the workers, migrant workers, unorganised workers, other toiling sections including small vendors who have lost even their daily earnings meant to get them bread. Above all workers, employees and farmers community who are feeding the nation are starving. Primary task of the governments is to look after doctors, nurses, and other medical staff, municipal workers, scheme workers like Asha, and police personnel who have worked day and night. Covid -19 has shown how our doctors, medical staff, sanitation staff and police worked bravely with dedication.
Finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman has further explained while giving some details of PM’s stimulus package. People feel that whatever she said was mostly jugglery of numbers. It is true that this is not a budget but a package to stimulate the economy which India needs at the moment. Government provided more loan facility through the banks and financial institutions to big companies to produce more but at the same time forgot to improve the liquidity that is the cash to the people who are consumers to purchase the goods that are produced. The supply may be in abundance, but people have no purchasing power. This is bad economics, and also bad politics.
Small scale sector and medium scale industries are contributing 30 percent of GDP of our nation but they are in receipt of mere six percent of total bank loans. Now finance minister has announced three lakh crore loan facility to MSME. But there a trick. The definition of MSME is changed. Only those who invested one crore and above with a turnover of five crores etc will be eligible for such loans. Such bail outs by the government should not make other industrious sections of society feel deprived. If people get money, automatically purchasing power will enhance and proportionally the economy will also grow.
But there are no schemes to that extent. The TDS is a negligible postponement facility. The apprehensions are there that corporate may get the gift of lion’s share from the government again. It is most unwanted and injustice as well.
In BJP ruled states like Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, moratorium is declared on labour laws and they will not implement them for 1000 days. Out of 36 labour laws, 33 are being diluted.
Working hours are enhanced to 12 from 8 hours a day with same wages and same benefits. This is nothing but to protect big industrialists. This is being done without discussing with workers or their trade unions. Labour laws are being diluted in such a way that right to association, right to strike, right to collective bargaining etc are being snatched.
Hire and fire will continue in major proportions. Eight hour working day has been fought and won with bloody struggles and sacrifices of working class.
This is the biggest betrayal of Modi government and happily fallowed by Congress lead state governments. Certain State governments have given some concessions to farmers community like free electricity, as they are facing several hardships due to natural calamities etc.
Union government has amended Electricity Act in such a way that rights of states are being taken away. What is the necessity to amend the Act at this time, while farmers are in distress. This is to privatise the electricity sector.
Finance minister’s statement of 20,00,00,00,00,000 huge package is only to confuse the people and cheat the nation. The stimulus packages of most of the developed countries is to stimulate the industrialists.
Modi government is also boasting that average income of common man has been raised. What is the calculation method to find out average income of common man? Is it the income of Ambani who is one among 10 richest persons of our planet and income of rickshaw pullers, taken together and draw out the average? (IPA Service)
S. Sudhakar Reddy - 2020-05-15 09:37
In view of Covid-19, Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the nation and declared a package of 20 lakh crores as stimulus package. How this package is going to be distributed is a million dollar question. Several people are claiming that they have not received any help from government either in kind or cash. Migrant workers are 40 percent of the total workforce. He did not utter a single sentence about them, which is very painful.