The disease came from outside but the government, with all its treasure of scientists in the government departments or even outside, has not been able to identify the enemy so as to combat successfully and effectively. The government imposed restrictions on all citizens under the belief that cessation of social contacts would enable the authorities to contain its spread.

Number of afflicted by the corona virus on the day lock down began was less than 100. Today after three spells of lock down covering 54 days, number of afflicted crossed 80,000 mark with more than five thousand fatalities. It can be argued that without the lock down fatalities would have been phenomenal in size. Even without advancing of such a defence for deprival of fundamental rights and freedoms that flow out of them, the middle class is the happiest lot though its proportion in afflicted patients and fatalities is much higher than other classes. The economically advanced six states have more than ninety per cent of afflictions and fatalities. The statistics reflect the reality.

It would suggest that the Lock down was not effective in controlling the spread nor was it effective in America or other European nations. The scientists have been struggling all over to find cure for the infection even though Corona infection was not new disease, a mention of corona virus can be found even in the medical study text books written fifty years earlier. Why Indian scientists have not preferred to search for the treatment for the virus in old books is beyond comprehension. Or the scientist community is taking the political leaderships for a ride? Can it be that scientists read the mind and intents of the Prime Minister differently in sudden imposition of the lock down without prior consultations with the concerned wings?

Fuller thought was not devoted to the consequence that were to follow in serious impact of lives of economically weaker sections due to loss of means of daily earnings that enable them to bring food home for the family. As most production units except units engaged in keeping the supply line for essential products, were forced to stop, their labour force became redundant. They also did not have reserves to carry on for two months with daily incomes. The realisation of serious impact on their lives was realized only 24 hours later to bring the finance minister to tell that she had made provision for supply of free food to affected classes. The announcement was in a rush but the administrative set up cannot fly to meet need of 600 million hungry souls merely because financial allocation is made. The poor needy waited for a week. Surprisingly even the Sangh Parivar with its claimed service mechanism in times of calamities did not come forward to lend its hand to ensure distribution of food packets. Does it not indicate that the Sangh had no intention of cooperating with the NaMo government? A fortnight prior to the lock down, the Sangh chief Mohan Bhagwat had publicly made clear at the Ranchi rally that the Sangh was not supporting the NaMo government.

The additional factor for disbelief in the announced scheme was the assertion of Narendra Modi during the intense campaign for the 2014 elections to tell the country not to expect free lunch in his regime. How can poor believe that free food packets would ever be delivered to them? Additional reason for disbelief was that the announcement did not come from the prime minister in his call for the immediate lock down. In desperation, the migrant labour began moving on feet, as public and private transport was shut down, with their families to reach their original villages.

The instinct for survival forced the poor to defy the lock down but the party bigwigs were also engaged in violation to frustrate the original intent to prevent social contacts to control the spread of corona infection. Vehicular traffic was suspended but the Uttar Pradesh chief minister provided bus service to facilitate travel of migrant labour. Other BJP leaders had no comments to offer but the fan club hailed the action as great humanitarian response. The fan club overlooked or deliberately ignored the meaning that flowed from their justification of the Yogi action. In other words, they condemned the lock down as the inhuman dictate.

As the Lock down moved closer to the end of third stretch, the Prime Minister told the nation of his rushing the economic package of worth two million crore rupees for resumption of economic activities but without ending the lock jam. The revised shape of the lock down of two weeks in fourth stretch would be different though it was obvious that the red zones would not be allowed to return to life and activities before the original lock down order. How can the economy revive without all units revived as most industrial productions depend on small parts coming from units outside? Even in his huge economic package, he did not indicate the deal for the migrant labours. The picture that emerges from the activities of all concerned indicates that the Prime Minister is forced to fight the lone battle and he is groping in dark as his friend the American President Donald Trump. Both are sailing similarly on sand dunes that are shifting fast.