The aspiration of Vietnamese people for freedom, led many struggles, there were many uprisings but did not succeed. Reasons behind such failure were that all such resistance had not guided by sound and scientific revolutionary line and tactics.
In this background of people’s movements against foreign domination, oppression and exploitation and cry for national independence Ho Chi Minh arrived in the political scene of Vietnam. His original name was Nguyen Tat Thanh but in June 1919 he changed his name as Nguyen Ai Quoc and later on when he founded Vietnam Independence League — the Vietminh. At this time he adopted the name, “Ho Chi Minh” which means “Bringer of Light.”
Ho Chi-Minh was born Nguyen Sihh Cung on May 19, 1890, in Nghe province in central Vietnam. He was brought into the struggle for independence almost from birth. Nghe was the center of resistance to China’s one thousand-year control of Vietnam. Ho’s father was a minor official in the French regime and an ardent critic of French colonialism in Vietnam. He would eventually resign from his position to protest French control.
From childhood he was very much concern about his country and shows interest about its past history of resistance. To understand the real situation and to prepare himself to lead the Vietnamese people he left Vietnam on 5th June 1911. After visiting many countries under French colonial rule he reached France. He joined French Socialist Party and got opportunities to study the French and the American, revolutions, the Paris Commune, the Chinese revolution of 1911 and the Russian October revolution.
Enhanced with his theoretical knowledge in June 1919 he submitted an eight point petition to the Versailles Peace Conference, demanding that the French government recognize the democratic liberties and the equality of the ethnic groups of Vietnam. His petition was not accepted by the conference but this act of him creates a new period for the national liberation movement of Vietnam.
In the meantime with Com. Lenin’s initiative third Communist International was formed. In 1920 Ho Chi Minh participated at the18th Congress of the French Socialist Party and supported the founding of the French Communist Party and becoming the first Vietnamese Communist.
At this time L’Humanite publish “The Thesis on National & Colonial Questions” written by Lenin. This thesis changed the political direction of Ho Chi Minh. In his own word he mentioned.
“I raised this question - the most important in my opinion - in a meeting. Some comrades answered: It is the Third, not the Second International. And a comrade gave me Lenin’s “Thesis on the national and colonial questions” published by l'Humanite to read.
There were political terms difficult to understand in this thesis. But by dint of reading it again and again, finally I could grasp the main part of it. What emotion, enthusiasm, clear-sightedness and confidence it instilled into me! I was overjoyed to tears. Though sitting alone in my room, I shouted out aloud as if addressing large crowds: “Dear martyrs compatriots! This is what we need, this is the path to our liberation!”
After then, I had entire confidence in Lenin, in the Third international”.
Vietnam after many victories in the 20th century is now moving forward to the 21st century. From a most under-developed country colonised by many imperialist powers, Vietnam has become an independent, free nation and is now developing along the path of socialism. From a poor and backward economy, Vietnam is growing into the period of pushing forward industrialization and modernisation.
In December 1986 Vietnam started moving from command economy to a market economy with the socialist-oriented framework. Renewal has taken place in all aspects of life: from political to economic, cultural and social spheres. In 1996 Vietnamese government began the 25 years plan of industrialization – modernisation of industry and development of agriculture based on advanced science and technology. This move brought significant results on all fronts. Socio-political stability has been further strengthened; national security and defence consolidated; democracy increasingly enhanced; and people’s ownership promoted.
The recently held 12th Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam critically reviewed the 30 years of renewal (1986-2016) its achievements, its failure, and came to conclusions’ that they have to go forward with the renewal process in a comprehensive and harmonious manner.
Today when the whole world is appreciating the success of Vietnam in containing the dangerous COVID-19 virus, it should be remembered that it is not by chance they succeeded. It is because of their understanding and giving more importance to the issue of Public health and education.
Today Ho chi Min’s Viet Nam and his people are marching ahead keeping pace with the most advanced nations. Let us on this occasion of the legendary founder’s 130th birth anniversary, wish all success to the to the Central Committee of Ho’s party, the Communist Party of Vietnam, the government he founded, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, and his heroic people the people of Vietnam to make further strides towards consolidation.
(IPA Service)
Pallab Sengupta - 2020-05-20 10:06
“When you can uproot all the grass of Vietnam, only then will there be no anti-French fighters left in Vietnam”. It was told by Nguyen Trung Truc before he was killed by French colonialist when they invaded Saigon region in the year 1859. That was the spirit of the Vietnamese people from the very beginning against all occupiers that include the Chinese domination from 179 BC to 938 AD, French domination from 1884-1945 for some period of Japanese occupation and later on US aggression from 1961 to 1975.