The teenager, who is supposed to take his Class X board exams next year, took to his computer and using a software created a design. He then went on to print the face-shields using transparent acrylic sheets on the 3D printer at his home. “They are ergonomically designed to cover the whole face from ear to ear, making them more comfortable to wear through the day,” according to Zareb.

Zareb got a commendation from Delhi Police Commissioner S N Shrivastava when the teenager handed over the face-shields to the top cop at his office on Monday. The masks were distributed among policemen across the national capital on Tuesday for trials.

The commendation note from Commissioner Shrivastava praises Zareb profusely: “In the times of difficulty, some break down while others break records. Performers are born in difficult times and not in comfort zones. Instead of just sitting back at home, he... produced 100 face shields that speaks volumes about his public-spirited attitude.”

Zareb says he plans to produce more shields and help the police forces combat Covid-19 better. (IPA)