The fan club put on social media a 400 year old map of China to prove the expansionist forays of China. Accompanying the map is the urge to all its adherent groups to make the map viral to expose China. No one thought of consequences that would follow if China undertakes to retaliate with its superior public relations technology and the efficient official outfit? Even if one accepts India may be able to counter the China moves, it is apparent that the message with old time China map is a part of the hate China campaign for purpose other than merely to defame China. It erupted suddenly and abruptly following the clash between contingents of armies of both nations, the China contingent was said to be attempting intrusion in the Galwan Valley of India and the Indian unit bravely and successfully frustrating the intrusion.
The incident is yet to be fully investigated to ascertain whether the attempted intrusion was the part of the Chinese authority’s official approach or over enthusiasm of the local unit or the response in misreading the Indian army unit on the Indian side. Such localized clashes due to over enthusiasm or misreading of intentions of opponents are not uncommon occurrences in every sensitive sector.
Indians have naturally suspicions of intentions of China since October 1962. The misadventure of the Chinese contingent on the Indian borders is always taken as premeditated expansionist temper of China, especially after it served notice demanding fresh demarcation of borders between India and China. It is apparent that the Chinese government could not admit mistake of its contingent then or now if it were merely over-enthusiasm at the unit level for other objectives. China is an emerging nation with the world being unable to comprehend reality hidden behind inscrutable stances.
The global economy winds have forced drastic changes in old concepts of nations bound secure by well guarded borders. The internet facility has made borders irrelevant. China has shed her curtains after realisation that it cannot grow alone. It can build the economy to provide employment to its poor only by selling its products to other nations. The realisation dawned after three decade long striving to push the economy forward.
The Deng regime that took over the legacy of the strong man of China, the chairman Mao threw open the tightly shut doors of its economy to invite private enterprises with the capital and units. It offered cheap labour and other required services with promise to put muzzle on mouths demanding bribes. The Chinese economy moved at higher scales rapidly with the growth rate surpassing the group of European nations. China not only broke away from its old mould but also sought to expand its base and image by moving for fresh projects. The Chinese President Xi Jinping came rushing to Delhi to beat others in capturing Indian attention immediately after Narendra Modi took oath to rule India. The guest landed in Gujarat and even had visited the Gandhi Ashram as suggested by the Indian Prime Minister. China was ready to build the first bullet train, a dream project of the Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Jinping showed no displeasure when Japan was awarded the project. China showed more understanding of Indian needs and markets as flooding of Indian markets with the China made goods of traditional needs in India by lower middle classes. As in other countries, China expanded its foreign trade on one sided venture basis with India. India had very little to export to meet China needs.
China trading with virtually every nation is one sided with heavy reserves left with the partners. China can bring American system on its bended needs with demand for immediate payment of China reserves of three trillion dollars with America. The Prime Minister Narendra Modi is perhaps cognizant of the superior position China built. But it is beyond the comprehension of his fan club and the mentors of the ruling party. The apparent lack is reflected in its strategy to unleash the China hate campaign. The fanatics are raiding shops with China make goods of sales counters. The old China map is put on the social media sites to project the expansionist temperament of China. How long and how intensely this campaign can be run is a question that needs not seriously an answer. The hate China campaign to be expressed by rejecting China made goods cannot expand the market for the India make goods, particularly so after the complete derailment of Indian economy through the 75 day long lock down. China was also caught in impact of the pandemic corona virus but it did not panic. The lockdown was confined to only one major city Wuhan where the infection started. Life in other parts of China remained unaffected by the lockdown.
China taught a lesson that life was important but survival and retention of the livelihood means were equally important. By avoiding the lock down for entire national economy and life the China authorities succeeded in fighting the pandemic. Indian record does not spell similar success as number of infections has gone up from 55 on March 24 to 5.5 lakh when the Indian authorities were forced to begin to open doors to avoid complete collapse and unmanageable disaster.
Some may believe that the hate China campaign was launched as diversion from the obvious economic disaster as the JNU controversy was generated or anti Pakistan campaign was launched to divert attention from other failures. But such conclusion is gross injustice and unwarranted belief that NaMo is in control of reins of power. As cynics may claim, the hate China campaign was perhaps launched more to embarrass the Prime Minister for even the Fan club knows the limits of impact of similar campaigns. Past experience is too vivid to be out of sight. It may be part of internal politics.
I am proud Indian to feel the brave sacrifice of Indian soldiers in saving mother land from fall of ugly enemy feet. And I also realize the need to comprehend harsh realities. In economic development India is lagging behind though both India and China gained freedom from yoke of unwanted reigns practically at the same time. China opened the economic womb to race ahead to become third economic world power in four decades and we are nowhere near. Indian wise were chancellors in several universities of China two millenniums ago with several Chinese students at Mithila, Magadh, Kalinga and Takshila Universities in India. So empty abuses, or the hate campaign, cannot be or are the solutions. We need to find better solutions. For that we need to understand how China transformed to be standing far ahead with the goods produced in China, only for outsiders, sprawling in every country.
Vijay Sanghvi - 2020-06-26 06:43
No one in the NaMo establishment may have realized that the Modi fan club being created to drum loudly around may become a discomforting wrap around the neck and sooner as the adage around the world that warns against building the congregation of foolish friends around was ignored. The natural human tendency was overlooked that only subordinate minds without inherent ability or talents would and could do only the drum beating for anyone else. Extensive usage of social media for easy and rapid drum beating had initially appeared useful is now the route of easy troubles.