ADB's Multi-tranche Financing Facility (MFF) towards the cost of the Assam Power Sector Enhancement Investment Program over the period 2009 to 2014 is in line with Govt. of India's mission of “Power for all by 2012†to provide electricity to all households at an affordable price by 2012 as per Electricity Act 2003.
Govt. of India will provide the amount as 90% Grant: 10% Loan to Govt. of Assam. Counterpart fund amounting to 114.6 M USD equivalent will be provided by Govt. of Assam.
The project under the facility includes installation of 3 Nos. 220/132 KV sub stations, 11 Nos. 132/33 KV sub stations)resulting in addition of 1254 MVA in AEGCL Grid , Addition of 607 Ckt km transmission lines, Upgradation of Ground wire to OPGW, Augmentation of 18 existing s/s, Construction of 27 Nos. 33/11 KV, addition of 477 km of 33 KV net work and 368 km of 11KV network, Conversion of LT distribution system to HVDS/LT less system and installation of 65 km of Aerial Bunched Conductor (ABC) cables.
The ADB's facility will improve Assam's Transmission and distribution infrastructure including reducing system losses and improve quality and reach of power supply
As part of the function, a capacity building workshop was also organized for the benefit of the Implementing Agencies of the North Eastern States including Sikkim. A brief review of the ongoing externally aided project from these states was also made as part of the function.
The loan agreement signing ceremony was attended by Mr. Hun Kim Country Director, Mr. Shighilo Muramoto, Mr. J Srinivasan, Ms V.S Rekha on behalf of ADB and Ms Anuradha Thakur (Director, Ministry of Finance) GOI, Mr. S. Jerath Principal Secretary (Power) Electricity Dept, Mr. A.K. Bhutani, Secretary GDD & Finance (ADB project) Mr. A.K. Sachan, Chairman, ASEB on behalf of Govt. of Assam.#
India signs loan agreement with ADB for Assam Power Sector
Special Correspondent - 2010-02-15 13:00
New Delhi: The Government of India and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) signed agreement for US$ 60.3 million loan for first tranche under ADB's multitranche financing facility (MFF) for Assam Power Sector Enhancement Investment Program at Guwahati, Assam, today. ADB will provide 200 million USD to Govt. of India in three trenches of 60.3 USD million, 89.7 million USD and 50 million.