From today until mid April 2010, ADB will seek views on the policy from all interested parties, primarily through the internet. Consultations will also be held with stakeholders, including government officials, civil society and the private sector in a number of developing member countries and donor countries in the second quarter of 2010. Reviewing the policy every five years is a mandatory requirement.

“The ultimate goal of the consultations is to give all interested stakeholders the opportunity to improve the effectiveness of ADB's Public Communications Policy,” said Ann Quon, Principal Director of ADB's Department of External Relations.

The current Public Communications Policy, which took effect in September 2005, guides ADB's external relations strategy and its stance on disclosure of information, with the aim of ensuring its business is widely known and understood. The policy recognizes that transparency is critical to the effectiveness, sustainability and accountability of ADB operations, and the trust and support of member governments.

A second round of public comments will be sought in October, before a revised draft document is submitted to ADB's Board of Directors in the first quarter of 2011. Final approval of the new policy is expected by next February.

A special page has been developed on ADB's web site regarding the policy review process.