Partners in Population and Development (PPD) is an intergovernmental alliance of 25 developing countries working to promote South-South co-operation in the field of reproductive health, family planning and population & development. The headquarters of PPD is at Dhaka.
India, China, Tunisia, Kenya and Bangladesh are the members of the Executive Committee. Indian Health Minister is the current Chair of the Executive Committee as well as the Board of the organization. All Executive Committee members were present in the meeting.
The issue of further strengthening the organization and fostering better South-South cooperation in the area of health was deliberated at length. Members stressed the need of raising more resources for undertaking more projects in the area of reproductive health, capacity building and other population related issues. India has announced 10 fellowships at the National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi to the participants from Member Countries for building their capacity.
Construction of building for the permanent secretariat of PPD at Dhaka was also discussed in the Executive Committee meeting. The concept note and the requirement of funds will be presented in the next meeting of Executive Committee.
The next meeting of Executive Committee and the Board of PPD will take place in Indonesia from 25-28 October, 2010. It was also decided to organize a two day international workshop on this occasion in Indonesia where the successful health related programmes from various Member Countries will be presented and discussed, in order to learn from the experiences of each other. The meeting took place in a very cordial atmosphere.
Partners in Population and Development meet in Dhaka
Special Correspondent - 2010-02-16 11:16
Meeting of the Executive Committee of Partners in Population and Development (PPD) was held under the chairmanship of Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare, Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad in Sheraton Hotel, Dhaka on the 15th of February, 2010.