That day brought joy to many good people, and many remain joyful. But few can ignore the facts; neither Germany nor the world have lived up to all past expectations, while many worry about what lies ahead.

Even pagans like me may turn to the Christian Bible; its final chapter warns of four “Horsemen of the Apocalypse,” whose fierce mounts were symbols of “plague, famine, conquest by the sword, and wild beasts.” Can modern echoes of those equine hoofbeats jar the harmony of the intoned anthems?

The virus plague now besetting the world is causing more harm than any in the past hundred years. How long will it dominate our lives? Germany, blameless and till now spared its worst effects, may now be facing a worse “second wave.”

As for famine, its ravages have never been fully absent. But here too Germany has been spared for nearly 75 years; since unification in 1990, it has been less its victim than its cause.

Despite amazing advances in machinery for tilling soil, for planting, reaping and processing, men of power and wealth have twisted blessings into curses. Seed genetics is impoverishing variety and impelling monoculture: family farming is replaced by giant livestock factories; poorer countries are stuffed with imports of machine-wrapped white bread or plucked chicken and turkey parts; shrimp farms replace ravaged mangrove swamps; heat and gases emitted by mills, factories, and heavy, high-speed vehicles fog the skies.

Small marginal farms become empty and arid, their displaced owners forced into hungry slums—or death-dealing escape routes through Mexican or Saharan deserts and Mediterranean storms. Too often they then find the hardest low-paid toil or hunger for themselves, also providing grist for xenophobic hatred while the smug culprits enjoy their flowered mansions, high-rise penthouses, their yachts, and private jets.

Menacing as this apocalyptic nightmare is becoming, a far worse one surpasses it—one which has received far too little attention. It is the curse symbolized in Biblical years by the sword.

But spears or swords of old—though cruel, unjust, and bloody—required personal strength and often courage. Neither are needed for today’s missiles and drones. A single unmanned drone, guided from Nevada and Ramstein, can decimate wedding festivities in Afghanistan.

Two single bombs alone killed over 100,000 human beings in the horrible crimes called Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Far more powerful ones, carried by a bomber now waiting in line in Büchel and unleashed by a single spark from a modern apocalyptic hoof, can mean—within minutes—that all talk of fields, forests, famine or viruses becomes forever irrelevant.

What about the fourth Biblical menace – wild beasts? Species considered fearful then are now less dangerous than endangered! And yet an analogous but far worse danger now faces us; Nazis, fascists, wild, brutal mobs. Definitions and characters vary; U.S. traditions trace back to the genocide of Native Americans and slavery. In Germany—to twelve years of terror from 1933 till 1945.

It was often treated as a big surprise when buildings were defaced and set on fire and people attacked or even killed. Authorities announced their shock—again—at finding police forces infected by whole cultures of Nazi bacteria.

Forty cops in Essen and Mülheim swapped bloody racist internet messages; in Hesse, death threats to LINKE leaders and others were based on information available only in police files; smeared swastikas on homes, mailboxes stuffed with filth, and several burnt-out cars in a Berlin borough escaped countermeasures or arrests for years; now we read that some cops and at least one district attorney were themselves fascists.

Whole nests of Nazi-lovers in elite army units were discovered, some with caches of stolen weapons. Almost weekly, marches and rallies sport clothing and tattoos which defy taboos with logos like “AdlfHtlr” or “88” (the 8th letter in the alphabet is “H”, as in “Heil Hitler”)—and are protected by the cops.

A legal party, Alternative for Germany (AfD), voicing similar views a bit more subtly, often receives “objective” media opportunities to spread its views, while some politicians in the top-polling “Christian Democratic Union” hint shyly at the possibility, if it proves necessary to gain a majority, of forming coalitions with the AfD.

Many tend to equate fascism only with Hitler, the Holocaust, and anti-Semitism. Recent attacks on Jews strengthened this view, though attacks on Muslims and all people of color may be slowly enlarging this perception. For, when opposing such modern “wild beasts”, it is proper to recall that in Mussolini’s Italy, where the term fascism originated, Jews were fewer and hardly important. Even in Hitler’s Germany, fascism’s main target was the political Left, and above all a militant working class. Among the first to be arrested, tortured, and executed were always the Communists, then left-wing Socialists and any who sympathized and joined with either one. The oppression and then mass murder of Jews and of Roma (“Gypsies”) or Slavs, though partly based on deeply-rooted bigotry and hatred by men like Hitler, were begun basically as devices to divert working people into hating minorities, the “others”, instead of their genuine enemies in executive offices, mansions and at all steering wheels of power.

Despite all its weaknesses and blunders, the GDR’s aged, often limited leaders and their sycophants, despite its modest consumer-goods assortment (compared to favoured, super-wealthy West Germany), it had achieved social achievements and conditions for women, for children, and most working people which were perhaps unsurpassed anywhere.

Might another earnest economic crisis in the West cause too many to make comparisons in a new light? The economic giants and their politicians were determined to play it safe and to regain lost factories and estates while eliminating the barrier the stubborn little GDR represented to unashamed expansion and warfare. They achieved their goal.

But, though greatly lessened, those dangers could again build up, even in a united, uniformly capitalist Germany. Pay levels are already low, job security is weak, and strikes are too frequent. Once again it is wise to plan for an unpredictable future. Crude Nazi types are unpleasant and give Germany a bad, all too reminiscent name. But just in case—a reserve option is always wise.

Ever since the Federal Republic was founded (and totally contrary to East German policy), old Nazis, among them brutal SA Storm Troopers, officers of SS killer battalions, and secret Gestapo men were permitted to staff the equivalents of the FBI, the CIA, and a variety of police forces, often up to the very top. As they died out those traditions were maintained by enthusiastic apprentices. Their number is a dark secret while new generations of authorities, even the majority who are not themselves fascists, prefer to castigate and control “Islamic terrorists” and, always, their basic and eternal enemy—the left. As for the danger on the right—they almost always look the other way. The situation in Germany is still fluid and much will depend how the Social Democrats and the left forge programmes to meet the big threat from the ultra right forces. (IPA Service)