With these niceties the government was doing away with mandis and marketing committees. Important crops were excluded from essential commodities act. Minimum Support Price (MSP) was totally forgotten. The swadeshi government shamelessly was spreading the red carpet before foreign capital. The Indian peasants were wise enough to understand the disastrous impact of the bills. That led to the formation of the united platform of struggle. More than 200 organizations responded to the challenge and rallied together to form Kissan Sangarsh coordination committee. This unity of the peasantry is important landmark in the contemporary Indian history.

When peasants are on a determined battle, politics of the country would have to conceive its implications. Its first blow was on the structure of NDA itself. Siromani Akali Dal (SAD), the most trusted ally in the BJP had to quit the alliance and their minister was resigned. In Haryana also the peasant agitation had its political repercussions. The Modi government in its typical style would attempt to break the unity of the farmers, that should be prevented and the unity in struggle need to be strengthened. That unity has to play a promising role in shaping the destiny of the country. The alternative bills passed by the Punjab assembly are the outcome of the farmer’s unity and struggle. By ensuring Minimum Support Price for the farmers Punjab legislations were trying to nullify the anti-farmer acts of the Modi government. Many other states also may follow the suit, provided the farmer’s movements is strengthened.

The Indian working class, since long was on the warpath questioning the anti labour policies of the government. The class base of the Modi government is that of big capital with its unending desire for super profits. Though they preach swadeshi slogans from the roof top, their pursuit for riches chases them to the doorsteps of foreign capital. They have no hesitation to open up the womb of Indian economy before the profit mongering foreign sharks. In the pretext of fighting COVID19, which according to them was the act of God, they solemnized the entry of FDI into every sectors of economy. A government that brutally ignored the tears of the migrant labourers and poor of the country was keen to proclaim stimulus packages which were actually packages for FDI.

In BJP led Bharat, nothing is for swadeshi. From mines to space exploration, from banks to defence everything is for FDI. The United platform of workers was the natural outcome of the government measures to remould industrial relations. Any government subservient to the interests of the capital would be eager to weaken the workers fighting spirits. That was the intention behind the labor laws passed by the Modi government. It was the silent assurance given by the government to their capitalist cousins, that they can freely plunder the country without the fear of workers resistance. The purpose behind the Environment Impact Assessment Notification and even New Educational Policy is to prepare the ground for FDI rule.

The strategy of the ruling class is to divide the masses in order to protect their class interests. Religion, faith, and caste divisions are all used by them to meet their ends. As a result of this atrocities on dalits, women and minorities are ever on the increase. More the crisis of the economy deepens, more the attack on the downtrodden. Unnav to Hathras, same is the story.

From Kashmir to Kanyakumari, repression is the government's answer. The mood of the people is to fight, not to succumb before the Government. Now the workers and peasants have come to the forefront of the battle. This gives a new impetus to the country wide resistance movement of the people. The strike actions of the joint platforms of workers and peasants have great political significance in the backdrop of sharpening socio-economic crisis in India. The Left and democratic forces understand its importance and would do everything possible to further strengthening this worker-peasant unity. The future course of Indian politics needs to evolve out from this battlefield. (IPA Service)