The Home Minister moved out of his hibernation after the public snub delivered by the Prime Minister over his proposed fresh registration of Indian citizens. The international adverse impact to the eruption of fear psychosis in the wider sections of Indian Muslims over the proposed move made the Prime Minister to rush to public rally in the Ramleela grounds and claim there was no such proposal before his government. The Home Minister reeling under his inability to prove his prowess in the Delhi polls went in political hibernation. Suddenly he came out as small and marginal farmers of Punjab, Haryana and other states, growing food grains and lentils began to congregate at borders of Delhi to protest against new enactments that put traders in command over their interests and also end assurance of minimum support prices for their produce.
The ruler in India had to stand at the door steps of super nations with the honour cap tucked under the armpit of one hand and begging bowl in other hand for five million tonnes of grain to make up her food deficit and enable the ruler to feed the hungry poor. To end the humiliation, Indira Gandhi introduced green revolution in November 1966 to improve food production from 53 million tonnes in 1966 to 104 million tonnes in 1971. To encourage farmers she ensured minimum support prices for their produce through the government directive.
The food grains production today is 2540 million tonnes with India leading in the rice export trade. In an attempt to modernize the retail trade of volume of 120 million crore with few monopoly players getting a larger share in the pie, the NaMo government enacted three farm enactments that enable traders to buy grain in any state, maintain unlimited stocks and pay negotiated prices in any state. To enable them, farmers feel their interests were bargained for modernization. The system affects not only millions of small and medium range farmers but also big farmers to push the Akali Dal away from BJP. It assures the return of the congress to power with the BJP pushed to third position in the state assembly.
The NaMo regime is not worried by agitation by farmers as much as is by its political consequences. It threatens its base in Haryan and a serious consequene to the party base in Uttar Pradesh. This perceived threat prompted Amit Shah to be back in his previous role or the prompting by other source made him to emerge from his hibernation is not easy to identify as the BJP high command leaders are used to suffer in silence unlike the congress leaders. Only passage of time can tell or else the next move of the Prime Minister can reveal. NaMo has been attending to other backward classes consolidation behind him for the past seven years. The new farm law would not fit in his pursuit of politics. Does it mean it has been done behind his back? If that's so why he has been pleading the farm community to accept the new laws as they were in their interests and are progressive measures. However, the farmers agitation and its long term political consequences potential may force to withdraw the new initiative. But he may have to deal with the reemergence of Shah to the active political arena. Neither his detractors in the party fold can afford to ignore that clear message that emerges from this episode. The ruling party cannot take voters for granted is largely conveyed by the farmers agitation. The party leadership also cannot ignore the ire of the big farmers for doing away with the system of their empire. The trading community cannot alone ensure the return of the party with or without NaMo.
Amit Shah’s emergence from his secondary position and his seeking to establish his position has also to be viewed in the light of the drama enacted by NaMo in the Bihar assembly polls. Since the Prime Minister publicly delivered a snub to Shah on the issue of fresh registration of citizens, they are not seen together in any platfrom, but NaMo had the Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar sharing his public platform as his friend in the Bihar polls. The gesture assumed political significance as the Prime Minister had not shared his political platform with any senior leader including the BJP chief ministers in either of two Lok Sabhsa polls, he contested or campaigned for. In state elections Shah was independently and alone campaigning for the party. That public posture tells a lot.
The political message became too obvious with three ministers team began talks with the agitating farmers on Dec 1. The team was led by the agriculture minister Tomar with Piyush Goyal the most relied minister for the prime minister to handle ticklish issues. The political message was too clear as the home minister Amit Shah assigned no role in the negotiating team. The prime minister Narendra Modi revealed his stance in his 'Mann ki baat' to indicate farmers satisfaction was his priority considerattion. He emphasized again that he had sought new farm laws to ensure additional benefits to farmers are guaranteed. He also indicated his readiness to reach agreement in a way that will assure benefits to farmers. But no responsibility assigned to the Home Minister though he had initiated the move for a negotiated settlement.
Vijay Sanghvi - 2020-12-02 11:04
The political confrontation over the three new agricultural legislations is no more a mere confrontation between the NaMo regime and food growing farmers. New political dimensions are added to it with the Union Home Minister Ameet Shah stirring out of hibernation for ten months to resolve the differences of the regime with farmers. Determined farmers though refused to allow him space to prove his political abilities, the confrontation is continuing over the farm bills. The Prime Minister was not expected to initiate efforts to pacify as it has to come as a climax. Surprisingly the agriculture minister was not summoned to satisfy farmers nor the law minister to explain away the compulsions for enactments.