The lessons of COVID 19 are to be kept in our mind. Though certain quarters termed it as an act of God, God is innocent and helpless in all these affairs. Early studies on climate change and global warming itself have cautioned the world that one of its impacts could be spread of various pandemics. In that warning lies economic and political reasons behind COVID19. Capitalism in its frenzied pursuit for market took no note of the scientific studies and was constantly contributing to global warming. In turn that led to the spread of the virus of COVID19
One of the important warnings is to understand the necessity to address the gravest issue of climate change. It urges governments and political parties across the world to define their policy on the environment in uncompromising terms. COVID19 days unveil to the world the bankruptcy of market led economies in fighting pandemics. The US, the biggest economic and military power of the world remains helpless before the COVID and their death rate was also the highest in the world. The way in which the Trump administration administered the COVID pandemic was typical to the nature of market fundamentalism.
The examples chartered by countries like Cuba, Vietnam and other small countries also need to be positively evaluated. The greatness of human labour in fighting such crucial crisis and the discrimination they often face was evident during these days. In 2020 the world listened to a reverberating slogan, "black lives matter". That also emerged from the same US which preaches human rights to others! In countries like Bolivia and Chile the democratic forces have registered political success that might again open new vistas before the countries of Latin America and Caribbean.
The year 2020 was an eye opener for India in many ways. COVID19 revealed to the people that the priority of the government is not the protection of the people. In early March itself when the country stood frightened before COVID19 the Modi government was busy engaging Donald Trump in Ahmedabad and New Delhi. Equal importance was given to toppling down of Madhya Pradesh government to install BJP rule in that strategic state. Only after accomplishing that task, the Modi government turned its face to measures related to COVID19.
Lockdown was like a surgical strike with only four hours’ notice. Those days showed to the world the pathetic living conditions of the poor in India like migrant labourers and other unorganized workers. The stimulus packages were hollow as far as their miseries were concerned. The real stimulus was meant not for the downtrodden, but for the rich, the allies of the government. The government took the lockdown as an opportunity to open the womb of the economy before Foreign Direct Investments (FDI). All their swadeshi jargon was only to be subservient to foreign capital, along with everything that India has, the earth, the sky, even India itself. The year of 2020 once again convinced the people of India that the real meaning of BJP slogan of 'sab ka saath' is just its reverse.
Attack on the labour rights was intensified and Parliament was treated as a mere spectator. Their dream of a five trillion-dollar economy driven by FDI was the motivating spirit behind all reforms. The most retrograde farm bills are also instigated by the same policy. Corporate farming to facilitate agri- business was the real intention of the government that caused the outbreak of the greatest agitation in independent India. Scores of farmers organizations joined under the Kisan Sangharsh Coordination Committee to wage a valiant battle to save the Indian agriculture and to uphold the food security of the country.
This protest movement with its humble beginning in Punjab turned into a massive movement across the country and the government was forced to invite them for discussions. Whatever be the outcome of such discussions, farmers' agitation has inscribed a new chapter in the country's history. The last days of 2020 witnessed the victory of the Left in Kerala and the success of democratic forces in Jammu and Kashmir.
Our pledge in the year 2021 has been that we would do everything possible to strengthen the struggle of the people. The challenges before secularism, democracy, national sovereignty, and socialist goal are so acute that the struggle to safeguard constitutional values are of utmost priority today. This is a historic and patriotic battle for the realization of a new India of our dreams. The Left as a whole and the Communist Party in particular should leave no stones unturned for the success of this battle.
Ideology and politics of the Communist Party has been proven correct from the view of the objective conditions. But from the point of view of the subjective conditions we understand the distance we have to traverse. For the Communist Party, treading this distance is part of its struggle for building an alternative path of development. Today, at this very moment the country demands a broad platform of opposition comprising of all secular, democratic and left forces. Let us make the year 2021 as the year of fulfillment of our tasks. We renew our pledge that we will do everything possible in this direction. (IPA Service)
Binoy Viswam - 2021-01-01 09:40
As the year 2021 begins leaving behind 2020 — the year battered world over by Covid pandemic, the left and the democratic forces of India declare that our struggle for a new India where the dreams of freedom are fulfilled, would continue. In New Year 2021, naturally we look back to the previous year when we had experienced something unusual in the history of humankind. Though bitter and long-lasting, it underlined the fact that the human race would always be able to overcome the odds with the support of science and feeling of oneness.