In August 2014 the Prime Minister pointed out solution in large immigration as many countries are suffering from serious shortage of labour. Indians can be answer to their problems due to aging of their working class. Raghuram Rajan, former governor of the Reserve Bank of India and w professor for IBM courses at the Chicago University pointed out in his book The Third Pillar that 40 developed in 101 countries are facing serious problem of ageing work forces and shortages of young work forces. Among them China is included with 479 million over the age of 63 years and unable to contribute not only to national production but also to the state revenue. They are now a heavy financial burden for the state for their health problems for another twenty years.
In sarcastic tongue it is said China became old before becoming rich. It became laden with more old people because of its mandatory policy of only one child adopted in 1971 and the Communism did not allow larger numbers to become wealthy to look after themselves in their old age. Another Asian nation, Japan became rich before becoming old. The wealthy nation promoted the idea of lesser number of children. Wealthier women preferred child bearing at later stage in their life. Japan has at present twin problems. Its larger population is either too old or too young to provide work force. That brings particular problem of worry as to who will take care of old population apart from reduction in the state revenue. Being more concerned and excessively careful to maintain the ethnicity of Japanese culture, no immigrants were allowed.
Instead of depending on humans, Japan developed robots to substitute human workers to meet needs of work force including for attending to needs of old people. Robots help not only automation to replace human hands but also look after old people. But solution is not same as attendance by humans. Only possible solution is to allow larger number of immigrants. Human are considerably more flexible than robots or artificial creature created to perform like humans can be. In addition, immigrant humans would be contributing to the economy through their consumption needs. Japan would need to find other ways to retain its cultural purity and ethnicity. Japan has been insisting on maintaining its cultural purity for more than five centuries and kept its ports and doors to outsiders even when it had not emerged as the economic power. Hence it may take time to realize harsh realities of modern times.
Even though most developed countries and few not so developed nations are suffering from problem of ageing of their population, they cannot and will not allow unrestricted immigrations for simple reason of not adding additional burden of problems of managing more humans, of similar disabilities, their aging population not able to contribute and unskilled immigrants not able to keep the wheels of development moving on for lack of ability and skills. No country can and would allow addition of only guzzlers. Canada has open policy for decades of not allowing but inviting immigrants of special abilities and skills to exploit its vast treasure of natural resources. Australia adopted similar policy for enticing young persons, mostly from Asian nations, of ability and of potential ability. The Australian government dealt harshly when locals who had resorted to violence to express their resentment against immigrants.
The developed nations also are aware that more delay in opening their doors for immigration by skilled men would be detrimental to their own future as young immigrants would hesitate to come in to support too old people as immigrant would be made to pay for upkeep of original but old population. The growing realisation in developed nations that the liberal though selective immigration of able bodied but skilled hands is the solution they cannot escape opens the doors for educated young Indians. Added training of variety of skills would improve their opportunities and chances.
Many developed countries including America and Britain have of late adopted the restrictive policies in granting permission for work to citizens of other countries. Indian immigrants have over the years contributed immensely to faster growth of economies of nations where they went to find more meaningful and paying usage of their skills, abilities and specialties. Indians are not burdensome to any nation where they preferred to settle and contribute. Indians need to understand that they are not going to make fortunes in various countries unless they have exceptional talents like several young Indians in America did collect pots of wealth in the last two decades of the last century.
The Donald Trump regime introduced the restrictive policy measures for immigrants as the flight of American capital and big corporations in quest for assured cheap labour and other services for setting up, operating and earning freely like for most in China had caused in America a new problem, critical one of larger unemployment. But American employees left without employment resent China and not Indians. But they would support Trump and his regime and his weird appearing solutions as I ensured restoration of their jobs.
Inability of the NaMo regime in luring big American capital in last seven years may thus help Indians to get liberalized entry permissions approach by the new regime. The NaMo regime can at least ensure to provide training to young Indian, undergraduates well as graduates to open their chances of job opportunities in forty developed countries suffering from acute crisis caused by their fast ageing populations.
Vijay Sanghvi - 2021-01-17 16:47
India will have to face the major problems of finding employment for educated young even if Indian economic growth is accelerated to ten percent in the remaining time o the current NaMo term. The educated young looking for employment commensurate to their education, skills and abilities will be swelling as 96 per cent of children are regularly attending schools. Even though large proportion of them is dropping off after the primary education, still number of graduates and undergraduates will be enormous and jobs generation is not and cannot be adequate to absorb them.