It is an open secret that Donald Trump had vitiated the world order and intra personal relations among the world leaders. The rightist forces and the political culture has perceived rule of Trump as the best setting to spread across the globe. It ruthlessly ravaged the world order. Even some of the state heads had started using the rightist phraseology to convey their decisions and views. It is a known fact that the president of the US does a lot to set the tone of global politics. To think and act as a rightist protagonist has become the craze among the rulers.

With Biden as the president, these world leaders are in hurry to evolve a mechanism to win his trust. It is a known fact that the language used by the occupant of the Oval Office are usually swiftly picked up by politicians all over the globe. Trump’s favourite phrasessuch as “fake news” were picked up by leaders of countries like Brazil. Israel UK and even India. Fashion for insulting and decrying “liberal elites” acquired acceptance in the Trump years across the world.

Emergence of Biden has already started bringing about a major shift in the thinking process of the world leaders. Johnson inviting Modi at the G7 Summit to be held in Carbis Bay, Cornwall on 11-13 June 2021 is a part of this strategy. He will use the occasion to unite leading democracies to help the world fight, and then build back better from coronavirus and create a greener, more prosperous future. This forum will provide the right opportunity to Boris to make a tactical shift. The G7, which includes UK, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the USA and the EU, is the only forum where the world’s most influential and open societies and advanced economies gather for discussions.

In 2019 French President Emmanuel Macron had invited India at G7. It was a rightist affair. Now Boris is using it to distance himself from the rightist camp.

In fact strategies were being worked out for long. As a part of the plan Boris was to visit India on January 26 to transform the G7 group of leading industrialised nations into a broader grouping of 10 leading democracies capable of challenging China and other authoritarian states. Boris has written to India, Australia and South Korea asking them to attend the UK-hosted G7 summit next summer

The idea of a “D10” grouping ideologically committed to combating the march of authoritarian states rings with Joe Biden’s plan to hold a summit of democracies. Britain is trying to examine its own shift to the right.

Friends of Trump who clamoured for his re-election and called upon the Americans to vote for him would have to work hard in the current world order. The case of India’s Narendra Modi has been classic. Trump turned a blind eye on policies seen as eroding India’s secular foundations, marginalising Muslims and cracking down on dissent.

The relationship could grow more peevish as Joe Biden has pledged a values-based foreign policy, which could put the spotlight on India’s record on human rights and religious freedoms. Though Indian officials nurse the view that the relationship would improve as the US looks to India to counter China, it does not appear to be happening. The track record of Biden as the vice president points to some other political line. i.

How far the rightist politics of these leaders will help them is uncertain. Like the rulers of Israel, Hungary, Saudi Arabia, even Boris Johnson finds himself on the wrong side of Joe Biden who had already warned him during the campaign not to undermine the Good Friday Agreement — a core part of the president-elect’s Irish identity — while his aides have not forgiven the prime minister’s unfortunate reference to Barack Obama’s “part-Kenyan” heritage.

Joe Biden "knows how essential" a close US-UK relationship is. Boris will exploit the situation to come closer to him and foster a strong alliance. A close friend of Biden told "Boris is a conservative, Joe's a moderate Democrat so I think they can get over it. I think they'll end up getting along." Joe's view will be that they'll have the destiny of the world on their shoulders so he'll want to overcome any political differences.

It is believed that with Boris as the host G7 summit will provide the opportunity to India to come closer to Biden. Incidentally the UK prides itself on its special relationship with the U.S. but Boris Johnson now needs to develop one with Joe Biden. He has to work hard to erase the stigma of being "Britain's Trump." Johnson who is identified as a "physical and emotional clone" of Trump must strive to do away with this compliment. (IPA Service)