The Committee will be chaired by Dr. Rakesh Mohan in an honorary capacity, with the rank of Minister of State. Dr. Mohan is a former Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs and Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India. He has also chaired the Expert Group on Commercialization of Infrastructure which issued the Indian Infrastructure Report in 1977; and the Expert Group on Railways which issued the Indian Railways Report in 2002.
The members of the Committee include Secretaries of all the Ministries associated with the development of transportation along with the leading experts in the field.
Such long term policy for the country was last delineated by the National Transport Policy Committee in 1980, which was chaired by the late Shri B.D. Pande, a former Cabinet Secretary. In order to formulate an integrated transport policy that also takes account, inter alia, of new technologies and environmental concerns, it was felt desirable to set up a High Level Committee which may make appropriate recommendations for consideration of the government.
An efficient, reliable and safe transport system is vital for fostering rapid economic growth. Despite significant development of all transportation modes over the decades, transport capacity has not developed adequately in the country. This has led to increasing congestion, asset deterioration and high levels of energy consumption, pollution and accidents. Moreover rural areas have inadequate connectivity hampering rural economic growth. The transport system comprises a number of modes like the railways, roads, air and shipping. The capacity of each mode has to be developed in a balanced fashion for ensuring harmonious development of the overall transport system including an appropriate mix between private and public modes of transport so as to optimize energy consumption and efficiency. Choice of modes is also influenced by pricing of hydro carbon fuels apart from adequacy and efficiency of transport services
The full composition of the Committee and its terms of reference are:
Terms of Reference
(i) To assess the transport requirements of the economy for the next two decades in the context of economic, demographic and technological trends at local, national and global levels.
(ii) To recommend a comprehensive and sustainable policy for meeting the transport requirements keeping in view the comparative resource cost advantages of various modes of transport i.e. road, rail, air, shipping and inland water transport with a special focus on the modes that have developed less than economically desirable and the need to:
(a) encourage a rational mix of various modes of transport in order to minimize the overall resource cost to the economy,
(b) ensure balance between the ability of transport to serve economic development and to conserve energy, protect the environment, promote safety, and sustain future quality of life,
(c) ensure universal rural connectivity,
(d) address the special problems of remote and difficult areas on the one hand and of urban and metropolitan areas on the other, and
(e) adopt and evolve suitable technologies for cost effective creation, economical maintenance and efficient utilization of transport assets.
(iii) To assess the investment requirements of the transport sector and to identify the roles of state and private sector in meeting these investment needs and to suggest measures for greater commercial orientation of transport services. In this context, the Committee should pay particular attention to reviewing the experience with the PPP approach or suggest ways of modifying it further.
(iv) To examine the laws, rules and regulations pertaining to various modes of transport and traffic and to suggest measures for strengthening their enforcement in the interest of the community and streamlining the procedures and processes in line with the needs of a fast growing modern economy.
(v) To identify areas where data base needs to be improved in order to formulate and implement policy measures recommended by the Committee.
(vi) To suggest measures to improve the capacity to evolve and implement projects.
(vii) To suggest measures for implementing various components of the recommended policy within a specified time frame.
(viii) To recommend any other measure which the Committee consider relevant to the items (i) to (vii) above.
The composition of the NTDPC shall be as under:
Dr. Rakesh Mohan (in Honorary capacity, with status of MoS).
1. Chairman, Railway Board
2. Secretary, Ministry of Urban Development
3. Secretary, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways
4. Secretary, Ministry of Civil Aviation
5. Secretary, Ministry of Shipping
6. Secretary, Department of Financial Services
7. Secretary, Ministry of Coal
8. Secretary, Ministry of Power
9. Secretary, Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas
10. Adviser to Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission 11. Chairman, RITES
12. Shri K L Thapar, Chairman, Asian Institute of Transport Development
13. Shri M Ravindra, former Chairman, Railway Board
14. Shri S Sundar, former Secretary, Transport & Shipping
15. Shri DP Gupta, former DG Roads
16. Professor Dinesh Mohan, IIT Delhi
17. Shri Bharat Sheth, MD, Great Eastern Shipping
18. Dr Rajiv B Lall, MD, IDFC
19. Shri Mohandas Pai, Infosys
20. Shri Cyrus Guzder, Chairman, AFL Group
21. Senior Consultant (Transport), Planning Commission as Member-Secretary
The Committee will be serviced by the Planning Commission. Shri B.N. Puri, Senior Consultant (Transport) is Member Secretary of the Committee.
Dr Rakesh Mohan to head a High Level National Transport Development Policy Committee
Special Correspondent - 2010-02-22 10:00
New Delhi: The Government of India has set up a High Level National Transport Development Policy Committee to create a policy environment that encourages competitive pricing and coordination between alternative modes of transport in order to provide an integrated and sustainable transport system. The framework that national governments provide for the transport sector largely determines the level of cost and efficiency in transport operations.