Joginder Singh Ugrahan leader of the farmers’ movement claims that farmers got no concrete offer from the government to induce farmers to end their agitation except date after date to consider.
It is apparent the major losers in operation in retail grain markets with total turnover of Rs.1.2 million crore in a year would be big farmers. Major portion of marketed grain nearly 80 percent comes from big farmers. Withdrawal of the Food Corporation from grain market would end the scheme of Minimum Support Price Guarantee in operation since 1972. Private sector would play for its profits by fluctuating prices to gain advantage at the cost of growers. The Green Revolution has ensured steady production each year even in scarcity years. The surplus provides advantage to private trade as traders can threaten not to pick the produce of farmers insisting on better price. That is the root of demand for the law to ensure MSP though the scheme was operational for the past five decades without ensuring law. The Food Corporation was bound to pay the MSP regardless of quality of grain.
The big farmers also incited small farmers to stick to demand for repeal of new legislations that spells return of private sector to grain markets. The government is adamant to retain its legal provisions to open the grounds for the foreign players in the huge retail trade in India. The previous regime UPI government was opening route for foreign players. But the Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh was compelled to shelve his proposal of throwing open the retail trade sector for foreign capital and players. The Congress president Sonia Gandhi was terrified by the Bengal chief minister Mamta Bannerji with her threat to withdraw her party support in case the UPA government insisted on pushing forward the scheme that was likely to jeopardize millions of small retail traders, not only their traditional trades but also lives of their families. Though the then Prime minister shelved his ideas but files remain to provide enough material and weapon to force the main opposition to remain silent. The secret of silence by Sonia Gandhi on the ongoing turmoil is in existence of evidence of similar route that the Congress had sought to take similar route.
Other parties have no clue of what is involved basis of the battle as most were taken in by the idle gossip that the Prime Minister is adamant as he was seeking to expand empire of two Gujarati business Houses. NaMo is playing bigger game of opening route of rapid economic growth. BY opening the grain markets for foreign retail giants, he hopes to be creating conditions to incite and lure larger foreign capitalists, their production mechanisms. He had to abandon his ideas for the rapid economic growth under the pressure of the Sangh Parivar. He proved by winning the poll for his second term while everyone had predicted his defeat that he stood tall though alone.
He effectively silenced every opponent by successful implementation of his lock down for nine months, silencing wheels of economic activities. It was his effective rejoinder to the Sangh chief Mohan Bhagwat and his public outburst declaring disassociation with NaMo. Through the lock down and rules compelling every Indian to display his or her cowardice by wearing mask instead of displaying bravery and fighting the enemy, he proved his influence on Indian minds.
By refusing to accede to demand of striking farmers to repeal new legislations, he also proved his command over Indian situation. Silence of his political opponents only confirmed he is the political boss. The American capitalists scared of changes in the democratic structure of America due to conversion of selective and limited franchise into the universal franchise since 1966, ran to the authoritarian regime in China. Now NaMo proved that even in a fully democratic system, a determined ruler can be effective one man rule system. To entice big capitalists his determination as well hard capacity to withstand minor hindrances had to be displayed.
His party men have taken to abuse the striking farmers and accuse them to be foreign agents and servers of the enemy nation the Prime Minister has been praising them for their contribution. He was apparently careful not to burn his bridges as he would need their vote in 40 months. From the day of public outburst by the Sangh chief on March 11 2020 NaMo does not need to prove his independence nor he needs to go by dictates from others. The uncompromising insistence of agitating farmers for their demand of repeal and his equally obstinate stand of anything else but not repeal the law would eventually prove him to be a firm ruler.
The Prime Minister has consistently been trying to overcome general belief of his communal approach. Even the USA president Barak Obama claimed his recent book that he had advised NaMo to stay away from dividing his country on religious basis. His public rebuke to his home minister for sponsoring a move to deny citizen’s right through a move for a fresh register of citizens was a part of his proving his credentials. But more effective was his adherence to memories of Mahatma Gandhi. The most telling of his gestures of homage was of his was on the Railway station in South Africa where Gandhi was flung out of the train, more than a century ago.
He proved by winning power in Uttar Pradesh with a stunning majority in the 2017 assembly poll and the second term in 2019 that he was only commanding political personality who was not dividing India but uniting through eliminating caste and class separation prejudices. Thus NaMo appears to be striving for an international repute and not struggling to retain blessing hand of the Sangh. He may even be happy that the Sangh chief disassociated to prove he answered to Barak Obama.
Vijay Sanghvi - 2021-01-27 07:31
The rigidity in attitude and approach of both the NaMo government and the agitating grain growing farmers now on the war path over the moves by the government to introduce a major role to private sector in the retail grain trade complex and silence of other political parties indicate a wide vacuum in political thinking. Farmers are insisting on repeal of new laws relating to grain trade and the government appears to be willing to meet all demands by farmers except their main demand of its surrender.