Religion is merely a moral way of life. The original religion of India recommended serving less fortunate ones without giving up ones’ own comforts, Jainism revived in the fifth century BC recommended severe austerity to serve others. Buddhist concept as to spend life in serving others without severe austerity or wallowing in ones comforts. However, culture is a way of living with others. Every human does not live alone since the cave age. The Indian sages recognized the need for variety of choices and tolerance for others as to gain their own right and give similar choice to all others. They created a religion providing wide range of choices to opt from it as the individual’s object of worship. It provided and provides not only independence of selection but also tolerance for and of others’ right of their choice. The social construct based on division with the scientific considerations of pollution dangers in vocations of different groups enabled most sections to contribute to enriching the Indian culture to be envy of others. Indian society was further subdivided into vocation based groups that got converted into the unalterable caste system. It was a fair distribution but ran into misuse and became instrument of social separation.

The Indian enrichment though not in terms of material wealth became the cause of inviting not only aggressors but was also generating enticing conditions for beggars, refugees and intruders. It is not new. It has been going on for ages. Due to inability to survive, through long durations, aftermaths of natural calamities, people have been risking their lives even more to land on shores of others. The greedy outsiders came with intents to plunder but Indian culture assimilated them all except the Muslims. Their religion of one god did not allow them the choice from the Indian variety. Few thousand of them came for becoming political power holders. It made no impact as India was not a nation but land biding different provinces in same thread of religious reverence. The families seeking social equivalence in the Indian society but disappointed in moving the upper castes or for jobs in armies shifted be disciples o new god through conversions.

For them it was the shift in individual preference but their culture remained same. They did not as they could not shift away from the soil, air, or water of India. The vast majority of Indian Muslims is of original Indian cultured. Now they in such large numbers cannot be deported to other lands as no nation can or be willing to bear burden of such huge mass of refugees. They cannot be thrown in sea. They are not like lemmings, a kind of bird without ability to fly of Europe who every year do walk into sea to extinct their existence.

The fanatics are now attempting to prove by their outbursts for people of other religions that their ancestors were wrong in living peacefully and in harmony with others. They lived through seven centuries of alien rulers of one religious variety and two hundred years of exploiting kind of commercial rulers. No history book, written by the British historians or penned by Indians mentioned any incident of forced mass conversion during the Muslim rule. Indian masses had lived independent of political authority but within the caste rules and judged by their caste panchayat.

The absence of centralized religious authority like the Vatican was first time commented on by Dr. B.R.Munje in his report on the riots in Malabar region of Kerala in 1921. The violence was sparked over the demand by landless labour of farms owned by wealthy land owners of the Arabian stock, for raise in daily wages. The Arabians were not willing to concede the demand. The khilafat movement had then gripped the world. Surprisingly Dr. Munje reached the conclusion that the clash was of communal nature and landlords could get away as there was no protecting centralized authority of the original Indian religion. That was the beginning of the religious fanaticism.

As in every political move, enemy is needed for consolidation of supporting base. The Muslims and Christians, both religions with origins outside India became enemy. But the mood and movement could not gain momentum against the Christians as they held the whipping band of rulers, Muslims alone became targets. The communal carnages attending the great divide of Indian subcontinent accentuated the communal divide. Few thousand preferred to migrate but several millions did not move away from India.

They were as much Indians as the majority community was though Indian culture and traditions has inflicted its caste system among them. Over the centuries individuals converting carried not only their vocation but also their caste label. Only Indian Muslims are divided in caste. It cannot be found in other nation. It is confirming evidence of their roots being Indian. Violence in words against them in not the Indian way nor approved by the basic tenets of Indian religion and cultural traditions.

Muslims have enriched Indian cultural traditions. Few of Muslim musicians are revered, Film stare hold the pride place. IN sports, they have contributed tremendously. Few young and upcoming young singers have enthralled huge crows by their rendering of Hindu shotras. They may have used as classical music compositions. But they did not allow their religious directives to be their road barriers.

The outbursts of fanatics are as misplaced as was the proposal by the union home minister to turn them into sub citizens through fresh registration of Indian citizens. May be his inability to deport 23 lakh Bangladesh citizens identified as intruders in search of work to escape their poverty and perennial hunger as half a million from sub Saharan lands ran away in 2012 after severe famines conditions for years. They landed on European coasts. The European system could not accommodate so many refugees and could not push back them back into sea or to their devastated lands. It was inhuman action. But men who believe in and devote their energies to fight for their religious purity

Over look the basic tenet of Indian religions that humanity in deeds by physical actions or use of words is the greatest punya. Even the religion for whose protection they use harsh tongue does not approve their fanaticism.