The draft amendment is being circulated. RNI has also written to various newspaper associations separately inviting suggestions on the proposed amendments.

The PRB Act enacted in the year 1867 has undergone little change, through amendments, in the last 142 years. On the other hand, the print media has grown exponentially over the years. The Government has also allowed news syndication, FDI and Facsimile editions of foreign newspapers. In view of the developments, it is felt necessary to bring the Act in tune with the changing times, as the Act in its present form is inadequate to address the requirements of the print media.

Suggestions can be sent to the Registrar of Newspapers for India, West Block-8, Wing-2, R.K. Puram, New Delhi - 110 066, superscribing the envelop with “PRB Act suggestions” latest by March 3, 2010.