The vocational division made the academic learning redundant. Parents taught the skills of the family vocation to upcoming generation. The academic education concept in the West gained importance only in end of the seventeenth century with advent of the Industrial Revolution. The literature of the West tells that serfs serving almost like bonded labours with or in Aristocrats’ Estates had no need for literacy. The British rulers introduced modern education in India in 19th century for creating local talents of the lower rungs of its administrative structure and thus reduce the administrative expenditure of getting and maintaining personnel-imported from England. For the British rulers Indians were nothing more than their serfs serving the larger estate.
The strength of Indian civilization remained preserved even during alien rules of seven centuries as ordinary mass had no contact or direct concern with the political authority. One American Researcher in her book claimed that India was only masses inhabited on land, bound by variety of provinces and cultures with one and the same thread of religious reverence. Hence it never felt need for and lack of a single centralized political empire or the religious authority. The classic evidence of religious freedom enjoyed by Indians was in revival of Jainism in the fifth century BC and emergence of new religion the Buddhism in 340 BC.
The Indians were not given only freedom of choice for their preferences but were also taught the tolerance for, acceptance of and reverence due to the choice of others. In Indian concept no religion was superior or inferior as it was the way of life. The basic principles of religious variety in India were same, no violence by words or deeds, no evil eye on belongings of others, restrain on sensuality and Truth for others.
The original religion has given more than a million choices for worship deity unlike refusal of choice options in (of only one god concept imposed ) three religions, Hebrew, Christianity and Islam that emerged in the Middle East.. Two new religions emerged in later period in India and both were based on a claim of no god. Liberation from cycle of births and deaths, the disciples were told, can come through serving less fortunate ones and by reducing causes of their pain. It confirmed the main religious perception of the Karma or actions as the only deciding factor in human life.
Surprisingly no one attempted to eliminate new concepts through use of sword though both preached non-violence as the basic tenet of human existence. For them non-violence is acceptance of right and freedom of others to exist. Jainism was a step forward in accepting right of every creature, organic o inorganic to exist its natural life span. Thus non-violence was a moral force conceding the freedom of living to every being. It was essential for and essence of living.
Islam emerged in 7th century in the Arabian Peninsula where live conditions were more severe and demanding. Nature bestowed nothing like other lands to support the life and make survival easier. The Arabian hordes survived for thousand years fighting the nature more. They had no religious literature that they could comprehend easily and could gain sustenance to live. Islam emerged for them in caves near Mecca through a man who was not literate and was a servant of a business woman in Mecca. The British nun Karen Armstrong in her research-based book 'History of Gods' wrote, Islam began with acceptance of earlier saints, sages who gave two book religions and recommended the need and reverence for them. It needs to be remembered that life was dependent on extraordinarily different and difficult conditions in the the Sahara desert lateral region. Even seeing a blade of greenery was a rarity in the region to make life dependent only on animal flesh easily available. Human population did not prefer to depend on animal flesh easily available but only because the nature forced it on them.
The aggressive energies of the Arabian fighters were diverted, as Karen Armstrong wrote in her other book Islam, towards lands other than Arabian Peninsula as the leaders feared destruction of the Arabian land if aggressive mind set and energies were not given outlet. The Arabians thus were used to expend their energies and not to spread Islam. But the Vatican head saw an eminent danger to Christianity if the Arabian fighting forces were allowed to move in ahead from borders of Europe. Without knowing full picture or studied understanding of Islam, Pope Urban II propagated an evil image for Islam as a religion of swords. Only image travelled across though not reality.
The imaginary fears of the Pope in 1090 A.D. and his false interpretation of the Arabian armies at the borders of Europe in tenth century A.D. resulted in permanent enmity between followers o9f two religions. Christians did not need to understand after their Pope delivered the judgment and the Muslims felt no need to erase false impression. Even though Muslims ruled India for more than seven centuries, history has not recorded a single incident on forced or forcible conversion.
Indian Muslims are a lot totally different from the Islamic practitioners in other countries. Indian Muslim society is as sharply divided in the vocation based castes system as the majority community is. They are all grown in same soil with same air to breathe, same water and food to sustain life as the majority community. Not only that but they continued to excel in similar trades, arts and crafts. They also weave excellent Varanasi sari as the Hindu weavers. Life, art and trades of weavers depend alike in serving tastes of rich women.
The unity and integrity of India is reflected in various fields irrespective of differences in raising hands in worship of their supreme idols. The fan club and the Muslim haters have had no inclination, aptitude or even feelings to know the enemy before taking him by horns. The Muslim with 13 per cent part of Indian population over ten centuries are integrated part of the Indian society. Even a single missing screw does not allow machines to move. It is a reality of existence though unpalatable and harsh one. Nature does not spare or punish on basis of denomination of its victims. Even terrorists do not make distinction 0f Indians by their religions but the conservative Indian minds do. Yes. Their attitude reflects their lack of confidence in their existence and protection by and from nature. There is nothing more telling than their lack of faith in their idols.
Indian Muslims follow no doubt a faith that does not have origins in India but their roots are Indian. How can or why should they be disliked, mistrusted or hated. Many have proved by their excellence in Indian arts, cultural and other activities. Air Marshal A Lateef had proved he was no less patriot than other heads of Indian Forces.
Vijay Sanghvi - 2021-02-03 11:15
There is not and cannot be any civilization better than the Indian civilization. The secret of its outliving all others for five thousand years is in the greater freedom of religious adherence and tolerance for freedom of others in living styles it allowed to her inhabitants. The Indian wise knew basics of science though not in the modern phraseologies. The French Researcher, Louis Dumont confirmed it in his book Homo Hierarchicus published in the middle of last century. He claimed the much abused Indian social construct based of four Varnas, (not skin colour), was classic evidence of science of pollution known only to the ancient Indian sages five thousand years before the West had even inkling of it. Number one in four Varna was accorded to the group of persons in vocation that had least contact with dangers of pollution. The last category in the system, Shudras performed vocations or duties with high possible potential of contact with pollution. The system was not a social division but vocational compartments.