Along with understanding of astronomy, they had learnt the science of astrology and could visualize far ahead the actual events through minute calculations far ahead of actual event the exact time of the solar and the lunar eclipses. They had prepared in advance the yearly almanac. It was perfected in next thousand years. The preparation of the almanac in advance, much before the year came indicates the perfection in their understanding of mathematics, minute calculation ability and perfection in astronomy. All the achievements were without modern gadgets, like telescopes, angle measuring devices, watches and calculators.
The Bible created in 600 BC insisted that all planets including sun orbit around Earth and Genesis, book considered to be one of eight books that form part of the Bible claims that the Hebrew god created universe in six days and then rested on the Seventh day to give the week. Jews are not expected to work on Sundays. The Genesis also claims that the only god lured Abraham to come and settle in the sacred land on earth Israel with a promise to make him Emperor. That was said to be the beginning of the modern universe with inhabitant mankind.
Even though the Bible was claimed to be the god given scripture to and for the mankind, there are several inconsistencies and contradiction. It is hard to believe that any god could be unaware of inconsistencies or t mistakes in the scripture to be the most revered document for the huge mass for all times unless it is deliberate action.
Abraham was a farmer in land other than Israel. He could not have been living alone and farming. It falsifies the claim that only one kind of people had right to existence. Many hundred Jews were bonded labour in Egypt of Pharaoh. The scanty rains and recurrence of famines and scarcities in the sacred land used to force the locals to find means of survival in other lands. Work was then easily available only in Egypt. When King of Egypt refused to set them free to return to Israel, the Hebrew god threatened to send plague germs to Egypt to affect Egyptian children. How can any god be so cruel? Ultimately Jews were liberated but the Egyptian army was sent to bring them back. The scriptures mention then of miracle of parting of water stream to allow the poor Jews to cross and then drown the chasing soldiers. On the Sinai mount, the god gave tablet of the Ten Commandments to Mosses for new habitants in Israel were to follow. But none of eight scriptures elaborate life conditions. Indian scriptures are loaded with them.
There is basic difference in religious literature that prevails in the West and in India. The Bhagva Geeta most revered scripture on life preferences only provides for or recommends the variety of options as a choice and not as a directive like the books of the Middle East religions. The fourth Zoroastrian books recommend as directive even for the last rites.
Galileo challenged the Bible claim in 16th century with his discovery that Sun does no revolve around earth. Reality was other way around. But Galileo could not develop courage to go public with his confirmed discovery that contradicted the Bile. The Vatican authority punished him with solitary confinement. But even the Vatican had to surrender 99 years later when Copernicus confirmed findings of Galileo. In seventeenth century, the Vatican had to throw open doors to science to advance.
The West launched to know more and the Indian sages had already advanced three thousand years ago. Their ability to prepare in advance the annual almanac confirms they knew in the Vedic era the realities of astronomy. They were also far advanced in medicines and also knew skills of surgery. The medical practitioners from Greece used to come to India and perfect their skills in science of surgery. Yet India stopped from fourth century of Christian era to deliver creation of rare and unusual wisdom. Why is the question that needs a thorough probe? The riddle has so far not been investigated as the Indians refused to believe in drying up of its wisdom.
Even two great epics Ramayana and Maha Bharat do not shed light on it. The Ramayana is epic that reflects the patriarchal society. Women in the Ramayana are painted in subordinate role. Yet the Ramayana presents a weird picture as if the process of evolution from animal to humans was not completed though apes and other animals that could stand like humans on their two legs had fighting like humans ability. Yet it hints that aero plane like vehicles enabled men to fly and cover long distances in comfort.
The Maha Bharat is unique saga of matriarchal society where women played important role though fighting was left to be sphere of men. Yet there is a hint that men from earlier Harappa civilization had survived. Krishna and Arjun solicited service of ability of Maya, attempting to escape the great fire of Khandava van to construct new capital Indrasprastha and also a palace for Pandav brothers for their residence. He used his ability to the fullest to surprise everyone. But both epics do not reflect any new addition to science. The arms and armaments used in the Great War are dismissed as fertile imagination of writers. But then fertile imagination also needs glimpses of reality. Despite debate for decades, it is yet not clear whether the two epics are fictional creation or depiction of real events. Most Indians believe them to be true depictions.
The disturbing reality was silence of Indian mind. No remarkable contribution came after third century AD from Indian wisdom. It may have become dormant after new invasions. It did not die or dry up. The domination of drained Indian mind due to immigration to lands that had opportunities, aids of the system and grand returns is the evidence of its continued existence. The Indian mind revolutionized the communication sector to demolish the artificial and imaginary barriers such as state borders. They could not prevent messages or even money flow. The worldly wealth in material terms was never a strong objective for India. Yet the world has to acknowledge that the land and her people, depressed under alien rule for more than nine continued centuries, have done remarkably well. 18 Americans of Indian origins had to be given commands in the American system.
Vijay Sanghvi - 2021-02-04 17:10
The Indian sages had already unfathomed in the Vedic era, means nearly three thousand years before the Western science began to learn the essential attributes of the universe. They knew of orbits and time consumed by each planet to complete the orbit. They had understood the solar and lunar cycles and successfully divided time in several measures from Pal, Ghadi Prahar, din and ratri, months, Nakshatra, seasons and the year to predict the place of each planet at any given time of the year.