NaMo had begun to build his base for his aspiration from 2012 with a brilliant performance at the World Economic Forum meeting at Beijing. The top industrialist Ratan Tata was impressed to certify NaMo to be a politician who understood economy. He began to win over young Indians since then. He did not indicate openly his reading of the inherent weakness in the party strategy to fight election after election on the basis of communal elements dominating in its agenda. It showed lack of understanding of the Indian psyche of four thousand years. The Indian psyche was built on and prospered on living in democratic spirit and with tolerance of and for free choice of other sections from available million options. The BJP was forced to give up its stance adapted from its launching pad in April 1980. It was forced to go back to adopting intolerance for followers of other religions considered to be alien.
The 13 years rule of Gujarat may have convinced him that for young generation as well as poor yearn to better their economies to live in comfort. Failure of the religion based agenda to come even closure to winning a mandate in 15 previous elections may have convinced him of need for a drastic change. Though the party became the lead party in coalition in two elections of 1998 and 1999 but its victory trail stopped short of 101 seats even in 1999 though the controversial points were pushed to the back burners. The political messages emerging from the debacle that party suffered in 2009 may have given him ideas for his campaign base.
He began revealing his plans only after his name for leading the party was endorsed. He left no scope for alternative to change either him or his strategy. Maybe the Sangh chief allowed him to amuse others by trying out his strategy. Only once he was told in the entire campaign to seek votes for the party and not for his government. He obliged by replacing posters but only for a week and that too in only few locations in Delhi. NaMo indicated his intention to provide momentum to the growth by throwing doors open for investments to foreign capital. The Sangh was concerned over throwing open some sensitive sectors of the defence but NaMo did not heed.
For 15 months after he formed the government, NaMo presented an image that did not suit the routine BJP approach. He aroused passions and raised high hopes of younger generation by pointing out immense opportunities for Indian young as the most developed nations had serious shortage of labour force as their working hands were unable to keep moving the wheels of their economies due to old age. Indian young needed training in skills to make them employable in every land. He had even organized facilities for training but the politician he assigned the task could not comprehend the idea to properly implement it. Or maybe it was concluded from the political debacle that the party suffered in the Delhi assembly polls in eight months after the Lok Sabha polls that the run of the party was near the end.
The BJP has won all seven Lok Sabha seats of Delhi but got only three assembly seats eight months later though NaMo had gained strength in eight months with heads of three super economies rushing to hold Indian hands. The Prime Minister had chosen a retired police woman a known strong headed Kiran Bedi, and no the BJP line up candidate to be projected as the new chief minister. The election was apparently manipulated with the internal sabotage to get the devastating outcome. This was first evidence of lack of firm relations within.
But the mentors also sought to teach him another shocking lesson for his preferred silence and no response to the Sangh efforts to bring him back to the old BJP fold since January 24 2015 and by the Sangh general body in August 2015.The Sangh chief had asked NaMo to immediately attend to the promised Ram temple on the eve of the first Republic Day celebrations of the NaMo regime. He did not respond as he had not mentioned it during his entire intense campaign.
It was presumed from his schemes for unorganized sections that he was shifting the vote base or the party from upper middle class to the deprived classes and Dalit Indian society. His mopping up 73 of 80 seats in Uttar Pradesh and 34 of 40 seats in Bihar in the Lok Sabha elections may have led to such conclusions. Both the states were under the rule by consolidated OBCs parties for two decades. The outcome only reflected that the class and caste considerations become irrelevant in seeking economic betterment. NaMo had not sought votes by addressing his campaign tuned to such objective. His tune was for all educated young Indians. He became a pied piper to catch all young. NaMo politics proved to the world that he was not dividing India on the basis of social, religious and economic stations of individuals or groups. He was taking all Indians on the high road of economic progress.
The old hands could not come out of its prejudices for the class and caste separation. They could not countenance with moves for rapid economic betterment. Experiences warned that the domination of economic thoughts make religions irrelevant for not only for young but also for adults. The Sangh was striving since 1925 to built India as the Hindu Rashtra. NaMo was driving India in the opposite direction by his approach. His maneuvered defeat in the Bihar assembly polls was message adequate enough to silence him with realisation that he did not enjoy the majority support even in the BJP parliamentary group. He ceased talking of rapid economic growth but did not move away from his chosen Gandhi path.
His extremely harsh measures of demonetization in November 2016 and the lock down in March 2020 without taking his colleagues in confidence are beyond comprehension for most observers. No one would believe that its impact of slowing down the economy or affecting the massive unemployment were beyond his comprehensions. He could not have missed the impact of the lock down in closure of all economic activities in reversing the growth pattern. He went for it. He made countrymen to pay for his undeclared war within. His rigid stance of not to give in to demand of grain growing farmers is yet one more instance of his war within. This is yet another aspect of his personality.
Many readers of this perspective may conclude that it is based on irrelevant inferences of an internal war within the ruling ensemble though no one will be able to explain his moves that have destroyed not only the pace of the Indian economy but also not explain the public announcement by the Sangh chief stating NaMo did not have the Sangh support. The disassociation could not have been publicly announced without wide and irreconcilable differences. NaMo is a lonely person in this system but has taken on the mighty mentors to quarrel with. But he also ensured his complete hold over the electorate. He did give evidence of it by winning the second term.
Vijay Sanghvi - 2021-02-09 09:41
In seven years, the Prime Minister Narendra Modi had to struggle more to ward off the inner pressures from within the ruling ensemble than expend his energies to move the national affairs ahead. A wide variety of but very confusing aspects of his personality were on display in seven years. He was a disciple of the Sangh but was struggling to move India ahead on the Gandhian path. He emerged as a different personality while leading the Bharatiya Janata Party in the crucial electoral battle in 2014. It was the climax to the quarter century of coalition politics. No party had gained a clear mandate in that period. NaMo had launched a campaign that presented his supporting party in a complete contrast to its character reflected in previous seven elections.