‘Peoples Doctors’ Padma Vibhushan Dr Belle Monappa Hedge often abbreviated as B M Hegde is that compassionate doctor. He was born on August 18, 1938 in Pangala near Udupi. He is a medical scientist, educationist, author and orator par ex excellence.
Dr Hedge who is decorated with second highest civilian award- Padma Vibhushan – is known for blending indigenous and foreign medicines. His stress has always been indigenous medicines because, he says their effect lasts longer and, often permanent while foreign drugs act faster, show quick results but their effect is shorter and temporary; never lasts permanently.
Blessed with a strong scientific acumen in medical science, he advocated advantages of coconut oil, thus earning wrath of multi-million corporate, no doubt he is regarded as “People’s doctor”. His disdain against the hi-tech stuff for diagnosis when time tested besides method common sense alone suffice, have mounded hundred of future doctors. Presenting interesting insight from an inspirational orator, author of several books, eminent doctor, able administer, probably the only Indian to become the fellow of all the Royal Colleges of physicians of the British isles including Ireland.
Dr Hege says sitting for many hours in front of computer will make you crippled. Don’t run an extra mile for an extra buck. Eventually it will cause a lot of health problem. No medicine can cure after affect. Most of the tablet that you consume go directly to liver for demolition since body sees poisonous contents coming into body.
Coconut oil is next to mother’s milk, it reduces heart diseases and is very good for preventing Alzheimer’s diseases. People want operations, they want pills. We are not ready to accept the universal truth if it is not certified by west. Most of the doctors don’t understand Angioplasty. Blockage in a person is a must. Doctors, who don’t understand go for surgeries leading to more wounds in a healthy heart and mind. Adapt a healthy lifestyle !it’s the cure for all problems.
Enough medicine is already in our body. The day we understand real science, we will stop reaching out to drugs, sit in tranquil and the body will cure for itself, improve your immune system. Support “Deschooling society” Science and it will show you the right path! Good luck with your perpetual movement! walk the talk! Says Dr. Hegde.
Squeezing a wedge of lemon into a glass of warm water, Dr Hegde says, “It is the best medicine for an acidic stomach. You don’t have to run to the hospital for every ailment”. “Not for blockage of your heart”, he asserts. “Blocks of arteries are common”, he says.
Unfortunately, every chest pain is dubbed as angina and every block is labeled coronary disease, says Dr. Hegde.
“Anybody who walks into hospital with a complaint of chest pain is made to undergo angiogram whereas there is a need to understand heart blocks”, he says. “Blocks happen when you are young and as they grow, nature provides bypasses through collateral vessels. This is called pre-conditioning the heart”.
Quoting Sanskrit text from Ayurveda, he explains how any treatment has to be holistic. “Ayurvedic has unfortunately been relegated to back seat, in spite of being traditional and rich form of medical treatment”, he says.
“I don’t prescribe too many drugs and treat patients unnecessarily”, Dr. Hege says and calls modern medical treatment as exclusive and reductionist.
As a vegetarian, Dr Hegde suggests following traditionally made and locally grown food. “One should eat what their ancestors ate. To eat Mediterranean food in Madurai will not suit body. Eat the locally grown fresh fruits and vegetable and follow norms that have been from generations. (IPA Service)
Harihar Swarup - 2021-02-17 10:53
For thousands of patients over the years, he has emboldened hope, providing succour and soothing tensions, he is to them the doctor with his hand on the pulse of common man. Talking their language (he speaks about seven) identifying with their woes and relating to their despair, he heals them, combing his wealth of specialized knowledge in cardiology with compassion and clarity. His healthy respect for the native and complementary systems of medicines inspires in the illiterate and ill, a hope of better tidings.