The aim of the preventive health check envisages to develop a system to assess the health status through health checks for CGHS beneficiaries above 40 years of age and to provide preventive, referral and follow-up services to the beneficiaries through medical check-ups, health education and counseling of the beneficiaries on various issues.
The Preventive Health Check is envisaged as a Pilot Project which has been started for Central Government employees aged over 40 years at CGHS Wellness Centre RKP-V (Sector-12), R.K. Puram, New Delhi and CGHS Wellness Centre RKP-I (Sector 4), R.K. Puram, New Delhi, with a set of proforma and investigations. It is proposed to have a mass screening of Central Government employees, Serving and Pensioners at CGHS Wellness Centre level by paramedic initially for basic history, clinical examination by Medical Officer/Specialist later reviewing investigations done.
The on line module(software) of the Preventive Health Check Project has been developed with the collaboration of the NIC officials. The Module with the proforma for health checks and investigations is being deployed for use for the CGHS Wellness Centre RKP-V (Sector-12), D-57, where the Preventive Health Check Project has started. All operational formalities are complete and the module is in use.
CGHS has already finalized a package deal with Dr. Bhasin Path Labs for the set of specific investigations (Male/Female) for Health Check.
Operational steps for check up
Within 10 days prior to registration date given, beneficiary goes to CMO I/c of his Wellness Centre for an investigation slip for Health Check up.
Beneficiary goes to the center for investigations. The reports of beneficiary are uploaded by the center in module and are now available to CMO I/c of the Wellness Centre/Health Check Centre.
On the date of registration, beneficiary reports at Health Check Centre where a Paramedic (preferably a Staff Nurse) enters all Preliminary History data and baseline General Physical examination data like Weight, Height, BMI, Pulse, BP, Temp. etc.
The physician now has History, Examination data done by Para-medic and investigations data from Diagnostic Centre, Physician after entering all Clinical examination data and evaluating all details put beneficiary in one of the following four categories and records his advice on in physician column.
1. Apparently healthy :Follow up after one year for Annual Health Check
2. Needs to be investigated further :Next Health Check after 6 Months
3. At risk for Disease :Advised follow-up after that 3 Months
4. Diagnosed to have Disease :Referred to a Specialist for management
CGHS to do Preventive Health Check up for beneficiaries above forty years of age
Special Correspondent - 2010-02-23 17:19
New Delhi: Preventive health check up for adults has been introduced in CGHS within primary health care level. The introduction is designed to conduct a periodic examination, which can detect disease early and can help in preventive diseases. Such a preventive check up is a health appraisal specially related to age, risk factors and lifestyle.