The Ministry is working with experts from NLSIU, Bangalore, National Law University, Delhi, School of Planning and Architecture, Institute of Town Planners etc. to guide the development of a model legal regulatory framework for according property rights to slum dwellers/urban poor. A draft model legal framework has been prepared.

EFC approval for financial support to State Governments for undertaking the preparatory exercises viz. slum surveys & development of GIS-enabled Slum Information System, preparation of slum-free city and state development plans, developing a legal framework for providing property right to the poor, address issues of master planning including revamping of laws under town planning, urban development, municipal administration and slums, community mobilization etc. has been obtained.

President Smt. Pratibha Devisingh Patil in her address to the joint session of parliament here yesterday said that urban housing and slums continue to demand our attention. She said, Government is working on the ambitious Rajiv Awas Yojana to assist states that are willing to assign property rights to people living in slums. This programme will strive to create a formal space for slum dwellers within our cities and transform and redevelop these cities to make them slum-free.