Sports Ministry had last month given the National Sports Federations six months to accept the National Sports Development Code.

After the Special General Body meeting, NRAI president Raninder Singh, said “We are probably one of the first Olympic Sporting Federation to have taken such a step.

"NRAI has always been at the forefront when it comes to taking decisions, which put athletes and their welfare ahead of everything else.

All necessary action in this regard has been initiated. On behalf of the NRAI, I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the Hon. Minister for Youth Affairs and Sports for standing by us at all times.” he added.

About the provision, which according to him was “un-implementable”, the NRAI chief “The one which says that half the districts should be affiliated to the state federation for it to be recognized is practically not possible on ground in States like Chhattisgarh and Union Territories like Jammu, Kashmir etc. due to prevailing local law and order situations- so we have relaxed that provision to 20% for all State Rifle Associations/UT’s.”

Among other decisions taken, the General Body has remanded the matter on punishment to shooters to the Disciplinary Committee.

Till the recommendations of the Disciplinary Committee are received, the Shooters will be allowed to participate in shooting competitions.