Conservation of rivers is an ongoing and collective effort of the Central and State Governments. Pollution abatement works for interception and diversion of sewage and its treatment are undertaken under National River Conservation Plan (NRCP). NRCP presently covers 38 rivers of the country including Ganga, Yamuna and Narmada. Sewage treatment capacity of about 4000 mld, has been created under the NRCP so far.
The Central Government has set up the 'National Ganga River Basin Authority' (NGRBA) on 20.2.2009 under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister as an empowered planning, financing, monitoring and coordinating authority to ensure effective abatement of pollution and conservation of the river Ganga by adopting a holistic approach with the river basin as the unit of planning. River conservation activities such as creation of civic infrastructure for sewage management and disposal are also being implemented under other central schemes, such as Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission, Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for Small and Medium Towns, as well as under state schemes.
This information was given by the Minister of State for Environment and Forests (independent charge) Shri Jairam Ramesh in a written reply to a question by Smt. Meena Singh in Lok Sabha today.
Sewage disposal capacity of India is only half the wastewater generated daily
Special Correspondent - 2010-02-24 13:28
New Delhi: According to a recent report of the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), out of about 15644 million litres municipal wastewater generated per day (mld) in 35 metropolitan cities in the country, treatment capacity of only 8040 mld. is available.