Initiated by Women without Borders (WwB) it is the first global platform of women to fight violence with the help of community based solutions. The idea is based on the belief that it is better to talk and dialogue and argue across the table rather than cry over a grave later.
Women attended the workshop from a different walks of life- academicians, activists, UN bodies and media. A film produced and directed by Archana Kapoor, the Indian partner of SAVE on terror and how it affects people was also screened.
The film tried to convey the fact that pain and loss are the same all over the world.
Family members of those who lost their lives in terror attacks also attended the workshop and shared their stories with the audience.
Dr Edit Schlaffer, the founder of Women without Borders and the initiator of SAVE, has been coming to India for the last few years. She has already done a two year long rehabilitation project in Tamil Nadu, post Tsunami. She also launched a project on domestic violence - Peace begins at home. The project is being carried out in Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.
The outcomes of the six hour-long discussions on Thursday were many. SAVE has decided to work with schools and start a 'Schools against Violent Extremism' network.
Dr Abha Singh, Director of Amity Institute of Psychology & Allied Sciences, committed to introduce the concept of SAVE in their curriculum and all forums of exchange of ideas.
Dr George Matthew of ISS, promised to take forward the agenda of SAVE to the Panchayats, by including SAVE in their programs all over the country. DPS, RK Puram has asked Dr Schlaffer and Archana Kapoor to strategise as to how peace can be included in the Some Useful Project Work (SUPW). The idea has been received very well, and the first interaction with students will take place on Friday.
The promoters of SAVE also hope to link with the families of the Marriott attack in Islamabad and the Taj attack in Mumbai as a step towards spreading the message of peace and counter insurgency. #
India: Violent extremism
Sisters against violent extremism initiative launched
A new move to curb violence against women started
Neelam Jeena - 2009-01-30 11:36
New Delhi: SAVE-Sisters Against Violent Extremism, an initiative that was started with 35 women all over the globe in Vienna, was launched in Delhi today at the Indian Institute of Social Sciences.