The four thousand years history suggests that Indian civilization was the most democratic temperament laced compared to all others that appeared and developed around concepts of one god religions. The Indian civilization developed around the Sanatan Dharma is the oldest, senior by 1400 years to four religions that emerged in the Middle East. They were religions of one god only and each insisted on belief in supremacy of their god. Followers were not allowed to even think of other deity worth their worship. They were later on compelled to use sword to prove supremacy of their creed. The hostilities became stark reality in 1099 Ad with the Pope himself present to bless the show with green signal to first crusade. Six followed to annihilate the Muslim king and liberate Jerusalem.
Indians had option of choice of their ideal idol from among millions unlike people believing in other Middle East progenies. Indians could even pick up any stone from roadside and install it as their deity. No other religious concept had similar wide ranging democratic spirit interwoven. It did not generate a need for a centralized religious authority or book for a centralized command. Four centres of worship in four directions. Varanasi in North, Jagan Nath Puri in East, Rameshwaram in South and Dwarika in West became the connecting thread that obviated the need for a centralized political authority to keep them protected. Political rule and rulers could not disturb their existence or their utility through performing their caste assigned vocation.
Their need and contact with political authority was minimal except paying revenue share as lagan or serving as labour in armed forces. They were not useful as soldiers as they had no training for or skills to be warriors. They were used for maintaining supplies for the troops or as carriers of arms for main and titled warriors. Chandragupta Maurya was only known head of a large empire. He perished in starvation as Jain monk but he was known as he introduced the concept of highways as need for improving trade facilities. His grandson Emperor Ashok became famed not as a warrior but as a secular person who provided equal opportunity to all for religious discourse to propagate their own concept. Though he supported propagation of Buddhism he never became Buddhist. Both regimes provide clear evidence of the prevalence of democratic mindset three centuries before onset of Christian era. But supporters of the Sangh idea suffer from lack of ability to read the mentality that ruled the Indians.
Dr.BR Munje who worked as personal aide to Lok Manya Tilak misconstrued from violent riots in Malabar region of Kerala among land owners and their landless labour in 1921. The violence was over demand for better wages between landless labour and land owners. Labour were poor Hindu and landlords were mostly rich Arab settlers for three centuries. No religious differences were at the root. The poor workers suffered and Dr Munje concluded lack of a central religious authority was responsible for sufferings. Dr. Munje had not elaborated how even any centralized authority could provide protection to poor in distant regions in event of a sudden spurt of violence.
His report and comments inspired Keshav Hedgewar a Telugu Brahmin from family settled in Nagpur for a century to set up the Hindu Volunteer corpse to fight. He was originally in the Congress Party and is credited to have established the Seva Dal Corpse to work at the volunteers services for the political conclaves set up RSS in 1925 with only poor Brahmin young recruited. He overlooked that young from the community lacked not only skills but also mentality to wield lathi. The Sangh volunteers provided excellent record of services for relief work in aftermaths of natural calamities but a label was stuck of their being religious zealots. The Parivar proved that it cannot wield lathi nor can it comprehend the Indian mentality. It keeps the religion to be its central and the sustaining power for mobilizing the mass to support and bear burden of keeping the Brahmin community to be the head of political power.
Not only the basic temperament of Indians and the rapid social transformation in the post green revolution results era as well as improving literacy ought to have warned both national parties of the fast changing attitudes Indians. The 1984 election result was the last flicker of hope in the congress party for new generations. It was the last time Indians gave the majority with a hope of the economic change in their life. Opening of the restrictive economic structure in 1991 was welcome but Narsimha Rao could not sustain pace and lost to the Indira Gandhi oriented politics.
The young generation also discerned the caste bias in the Sangh approach. Selection of Ram a Kshatriya by caste and not Krishna a Yadav though Krishna far more popular hero in every part of India reflected the caste bias. The BJP could not win a clear verdict on basis of its projection of the upper caste hero. NaMo could unconsciously read the young generation needs to claim he belonged to lower caste, have courage to brush aside not only Ram but also upper castes supporters and promise to provide opportunities for other backwards with higher growth rate. His concern for lower social class was reflected in his priority for toilets before temple. His entire campaign was to seek vote for the Modi government with the BJP not prominently figuring in his appeal, literature or other symbols. His opponent played unwittingly to his advantage by holding a promise of two charity programmes like Jagirdar’ s wife holding the basketful bread for poor at her doorsteps. It made the poor young feel like beggars without dignity.
NaMo mopped up the overwhelming number of seats in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, both the states under command of consolidated other backward classes for two decades and thus proved educated two generations that constitute 80 percent of electorate was a different kettle and tea inside. For the literate young voters, sacrifices by the Congress for freedom and of life by Indira Gandhi for unity of India were only on pages of history book not vogue. Ram is ancient hero lacking virility of their hero Krishna.
The Sangh chief like many politicians ignorant of real message from the past believes personalities alone are the true changers of politics and victories. Look that Indira Gandhi was not a personality in 1971 and so also NaMo was not in 2014. Indira Gandhi was the lone personality in 1977 and her opponents were pygmies in her power yet she was defeated. Indian voters prefer the message that emerges and not personalities that seek their approval.
Vijay Sanghvi - 2021-06-06 13:55
The ideal launching of the Sangh centenary celebration from mid 2024 can be only in installation of the BJP government under the man chosen by the Sangh chief, in and after the 2024 polls with NaMo visible nowhere in proximity of Indian politics. But it can remain and will turn out to be only a daydream especially without winning power in the next assembly polls in Uttar Pradesh due in 1922. Two events needing the popular verdict can turn the reality to be only wishful thinking.