The job losers and economically weaker families can hope to find alternate employment but can twenty five million school children get back the year of development they lost due to closer of their schools for the whole year? The six hours of attending the school every day and for six days a week and for nine months become a world of their own development of physical and mental abilities for school going children. They learn to be independent humans by developing a wide variety of talents and abilities in 14 years of their school life. Their annual examinations and evaluation of their performance is merely a measure to assure them of their development that is not available at home due to too close relations with their adorable or not so much loved parents and their siblings.
The evaluation in 12th standard examination by authority that is not familiar with them to be inclined to favour or disfavor them becomes a measure of their confidence and base for further studies to build their careers as per their choice. By then they have completed their teen age period and close to step in their adulthood. But the government decided to cancel examination though the infection statistics suggested young were immune to the corona infection. Decision to cancel the examination was not as a result of understanding the cause and effect but to show its concern for the middle classes. No authority has ever taken such a vital decision based on its shallow thinking and unreal concerns. It was not realized even that it will affect psyche of entire generation.
The remedial care measures also reflect the shallow thinking. To compel everyone to stay inside their home and avoid meeting every stranger but also close relations not living with them in same abode was asking them to be cowards rather than boldly face and fight the enemy. How can any nation of cowards be safe? Everyone was told to wear mask to cover the mouth and nose when they are out in public places and also maintain safe social distance from other humans. If the mask covered the vital entry points for infection why distance from others was recommended? Was the long term psychic impact and implication realized in insisting on so many preventive measures? The government had little information of origin of infection, its range and path of infecting germs and even effective medicine to control infection or cure. The question was raised fifteen months after fight where did the infective virus come from?
That brings to other step to close hospitals to attending all other debilities including urgently needed operations. Hospital doors and services were closed to all other diseases. The government had created a dread by ordering hospitals to reserve all facilities including beds only for corona infected. In addition all vacant rooms in starred hotels were converted into hospital wards. It provided relief as hotels were shut by the lock down. It provided income solace to hotels and additional source of incomes for hospitals. Most patients from middle class families were charged between twenty to forty lakh rupees for ten days stay. The government created dread and hospitals minted money. Neither patients nor hospitals would reveal the charges or payments.
No nation can be safe by forcing people to remain inside their homes locked up as cowards not wanting to face aggression. It was amply proved by intrusion into Indian Territory in North of Ladakh. The Fan Club insisted India teach a lesson to China for the intrusion but the Prime Minister knew India was not ready for the full confrontation with nation made go in home and be on guard against intruding infection and keep India safe. Any nation cannot be said to be ready for full scale confrontation from citizens inside their homes in deactivated stance.
The government sought the appreciation for management to keep the infection to lower side compared to havoc spread and taking heavy toll in America and Europe. But is leaves one to wonder why the second strain caused virtual havoc with fatality figures suddenly climbing to provide third place in the world in terms of deaths due to the infection. In the 12 months from April 2020 to March 2021, very strange facts also emerged. The government may have indulged in finding answers to these riddles but did not take Indians by sharing the outcome.
The incidence of corona was more prevalent only in economically advanced states. Eight million labours with their families walked on their feet up to two thousand miles to reach their home towns. They had not observed the government prescribed precaution yet not a single case of acute infection was reported, but many old of the middle class families locked safely in their homes got infection. The death toll had as much as 93 per cent old above 63 years and 98 per cent of dead had suffered from other fatal debilities.
Only in April end the Uttar Pradesh chief Minister claimed the infection had reached villages in his state. The claim followed the outcome of the Panchayat polls disaster in several divisions suffered by the ruling party in the state but not during the campaign. Earlier the prime minister and home minister had addressed several election rallies in four states and the union territory with audiences filled with people without masks or maintaining safe social distances. Only after severe and caustic observations by the judiciary, both had abandoned the campaign. Unreality of the pandemic is apparent.
There are several incredulities to give rise suspicion that people were made to pay price for internal struggle in the ruling camp initiated with the Sangh chief publicly withdrawing the support.
Vijay Sanghvi - 2021-06-08 11:23
On June 23 the combat with corona virus pandemic would be of 15 months old. The NaMo government has formally not announced the end of the lock down though the government agencies have adopted a generous attitude of neither proceeding against violations nor restraining the states from imposing their lock down. The economic activities ceased to be active. Even though government allowed resumption, most production units were still struggling to restart as they see no profit in production without the demand. The economy that was moving upwards at the rate of 8.26 percent in first year of the NaMo regime, slumped down to minus 7.30 per cent in April 2021 as the government statistics revealed. NaMo had gained the mandate on his promise to accelerate the growth rate to generate more jobs. In his seven years in power his solution has rendered 120 million without jobs. It does not include number of losers in the aftermath of demonetization.