Election of Hosbole into the Sangh interior was not anticipated or even approved by Bhagwat. That makes the climate and action tenuous. Winning the power again in Uttar Pradesh is essential for stability in seat for the Sangh hierarchy and the BJP as a major political entity. Difficulty comes in the way. The chief Minister Aditya Nath Yogi seems in capable of winning but his change of sides with surrender to the Prime Minister does not make the task even less formidable. The Sangh chief has to provide for a buffer to absorb the shock of failure of its strategic moves.
Yogi was preference of the Sangh as the chief minister in 2017 though he had played no role in the path breaking outcome in the state assembly poll. NaMo had no alternative but accept the development. He did not protest even over hostile and rigid attitude the chief minister displayed to tell everyone that he was the immediate alternate to NaMo. His failure in five state polls as well as inability to win back even the Lok Sabha seat he vacated on becoming the chief minister became the base of disillusionment. He was virtually discarded and he could read the clear indications of his forced untimely departure that he surrendered to the NaMo camp for the first time in four years. He lauded through newspaper advertisements the leadership qualities in NaMo. His switching the side did not add to the strength of NaMo camp though it did weaken the Bhagwat’s strategies.
Now Bhagwat will need to devise a new move to eliminate both before launching the party moves for the election. Yogi suspected as certainty the moves for his elimination long before the assembly poll due in May 2022. He switched sides to force Bhagwat to win him back. Both need to address the vital issue of winning without NaMo contributing to it.
Yogi disturbed the strategy of timing the strike against NaMo. He cannot be removed too early to leave him scope and ability to rear a new alliance. To retain his future options he is likely to synthesize a new group. It needs to be assumed. Many may recall that he had invited himself to attend the social function in the family of the former chief minister Mulayam Singh. He has in never condemned Lalu Yadav or his politics in last seven years. He won over Nitish Kumar Bihar chief minister though Kumar had kept him as unwanted political personality to campaign even for his party in the 2010 assembly poll.
Nitish Kumar fought the 2015 state election in alliance with Lalu Yadav and the Congress. NaMo not only won him over in 2018 but fought the look Sabha polls in 2019 as equal partners in new coalition and presented him as his friend sharing his political platform in six rallies for the assembly polls in December 2020. Nitish Kumar was not confident but. His declaration it to be his last poll indicated it but NaMo ensured his installation for fourth term. Thus NaMo has done his ground work for his survival though he may have to stay away from corridors after his removal. In this eventuality his strategy of not playing up the BJP as his party in the two Lok Sabha polls makes sense. It shows his political foresight and his eventual calculations.
The home minister Amit Shah is desperate to return to the NaMo amp after almost 15 months separation. He had played vital role in reducing status of Kashmir as a state in August 2019. He had also up the Sangh designs for denying the citizen status to a large number of the poor Muslims a designed proposal of the Sangh behind the back of the Prime Minister in January 2020. The Prime Minister saw the game and did not hesitate to denounce his friendship by climbing the platform in the Ramlila grounds. Most politicians and observers did not understand larger implications but Bhagwat did not miss and declared disassociation of the Sangh on March 11 2020. Indians were made to pay the political, social, economic and cultural price of these internal twists and turns. Even their places of worships were locked down. People were pushed to remain inside their homes. Wheels of economy were stopped from moving. The middle classes remained unaware of the political games in the pretext of the corona virus pandemics. Labour was taken care of with the huge charity n form of free supply of food. The Prime Minister won his two elections on a promise of no charity. Yet he ended up with charity of Rs seven lakh crore on free food supply almost or 15 months to 60 percent population. The home minister made his futile last attempt to stand away from NaMO with single handed attempt to win Over 36 Lakh grain growers agitating for three months to seek repeal of three new legislations to regulate the retail grain trade in privatized channels. But agitating farmers refused to talk even with the home minister who reached them without authorization from the Prime Minister.
NaMo won over the over Muslims with his denial of a proposal that had caused a tension in their minds over their future. Farmers told all of their faith in Prime Minister. Now in June even the home minister is praising the Prime Minister for his far sighted politics. Amit Shah also opted out of the list of potential successors as Yogi did at the same hour. Both rebels have left a lot for Bhagwat to cogitate over his future, Next year promises a lot of fireworks with fast moving and suddem developments.
Vijay Sanghvi - 2021-06-22 10:50
The Sangh chief Mohan Bhagwat has made his dislike for the Prime Minister Narendra Modi through his public denouement of NaMo not once but twice. It may indicate his eagerness to ensure the successor in place of NaMo in the office but too many imponderables make the choice of and timings for action uncertain. Bhagwat also needs to avoid flames following replacement do not singe his position. The constitution and precedents do not envisage removal of the chief. It is a lifelong posting. First three chiefs remained in the office until their death. The last two preferred to retire early.