The RSS controlled BJP has outsmarted all other bourgeois parties in making the elections a festival of unaccounted money and unethical political practices. Their claim of being 'the party with a difference' is deceptive to the core. Among all the political parties the BJP, with its impeccable manoeuvring skills stands in the fore front of preparations for the 2024 elections. In fact, they began the work in 2019 itself, soon after their second victory. The Sangh Parivar with the shot in their arms have chalked out the initial strategy of the fight and mobilized their forces aiming at yet another victory. From the armoury of fascism, Sangh Parivar has borrowed each and every weapon that they thought to be useful for the Indian version of fascist ideology. Racial pride and subservience to finance capital continue to be the guiding principle of RSS in their battle for India. They had only added an Indian flavor to the Hitlerite thoughts and way of doing things.

The outbreak of covid-19 pandemic has exposed the RSS - BJP face like anything. The Sangh Parivar and its government totally failed to save the people from unending miseries and series of deaths. The pro rich economic policies have shattered the living standards of vast majority of Indians. All the packages which they brought in the name of stabilizing the economy were proven bogus. The government could not work out a strategy to fight the battle against COVID19 and more than 4 lakh people lost their lives. The hollowness of the government was evident when the dead bodies were floating on river Ganges. The socio-political crisis that engulfed the nation could not be solved by the rhetoric of the Prime Minister. The discontent among the masses have been growing. Assembly elections in Kerala, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal, the people gave befitting rebuff to the BJP. The mood of the masses is clear. They need a change. Wherever they could see a viable alternative, they would prefer it.

Due to obvious reasons such a well-founded alternative has not emerged in the Indian political scene, yet. But people cannot wait for long. More the crisis deepens more the need of a change. The convincing and reliable alternative would have been a feasible unity based on a common minimum program that can fight and defeat the fascist forces led by the RSS. But the country cannot wait till it is emerged. In this background various options have to be found. The call of the CPI in 2015 itself for a broad platform of secular, democratic, left forces should be understood as a pioneering initiative in this regard. The relevance of such a platform is much more relevant today.

While being involved in various mass struggles of the peasants and workers, students and youth, women and dalits, the CPI and the left keep in mind the necessity of building up the possible platform of various forces. Such an alternative would not be achieved in an easy manner in the complex political situation of India. Various forces, political and non-political would come forward with their own ideas and initiatives to wage the battle in defence of secularism and democratic rights. When many such initiatives take place that too in such a vast country like India with varied socio-political conditions, the task would also become complex and complicated. Some of the initiatives might have clear perspectives and total commitment. Certain others may vacillate and even leave the battle ground halfway.

But the Indian reality today urges all secular, democratic, left forces to search every possibility that can kindle hope among the masses. When the RSS-BJP forces of the extreme right prepare for the decisive battle in 2024, with all their might, the cloud of despair among the masses would only facilitate them. Any move to bring together the like-minded people, even for an exchange of ideas has its own relevance in today's India. Initiatives of such nature are likely to have inherent strength and weaknesses. The CPI approached the meeting called by Rashtra Munch with this understanding. After necessary discussions, the party took the right decision to accept the invitation of the Rashtra Munch.

While participating as an observer, the party shares several of the ideas of Rashtra Munch including its stated objective to strive for united actions in defence of the constitutional values. It should be considered as yet another move to bring together several forces, political and non-political to exchange their views on the crucial battle. In the coming days, many such initiatives may take place through which ideas and concepts can be shared. The primary concern of the left is to ensure the strengthening of mass struggles. Already they are on the move. From such mass movements broad political discourses will emerge. That is the need of the hour. (IPA Service)