This dichotomy has not come as a big surprise as even a lay Indian knows that Modi practices extreme order of duality and has acquired expertise speaking lies. Of course one feels shocked when many middle class Hindus believe his lies as gospel truth.

Undeniably Indians had to suffer immensely for partition. But it certainly does not mean that it had the grain of Hitlerian torture and subjugation which is revered by the RSS, the saffron brigade to which Modi belongs. Significantly the Marg Darshak, once the Guru of Modi, L K Advani himself displaced by the Partition, on Sunday recalled the “trauma” but also underlined the “triumph of freedom” that accompanied it, stressing “respect for diversity and freedom of expression” as the way to strengthen Indian democracy. He said “Eventually, when India became free on 15th August 1947, the triumph of freedom was accompanied by the tragedy of Partition”. What is of utmost importance is Advani did not refer to Modi’s announcement about observing August 14 as “Partition Horrors Remembrance Day”.

Advani, 93, who was born in Karachi, asserted that India had blossomed into a prosperous country “over the (past 75) years”, his remark contrasting with Modi’s insinuations that nothing good had happened in the 67 years. “It has been my strong belief that the essence of Indian democracy is respect for diversity and freedom of expression. It is this that has contributed to India being a successful democracy,” Advani said.

While on one hand Modi congratulates Pakistan on their Independence Day, on the other hand he indulges in Pakistan-bashing by claiming that the decision will be a fitting tribute to all those who lost their lives due to the partition of the nation and were displaced from their roots.

His reflections that partition’s pains can never be forgotten and millions of our sisters and brothers were displaced and many lost their lives due to mindless hate and violence do not owe to his sudden realisation of the plights of the Indians. It is a part of the well-designed strategy to foment communal flare just ahead of the Lok Sabha election of 2024 and UP assembly election of 2022.

India has ushered into the 75 th year of independence and he as the Prime Minister should have adopted a positive approach to the future growth and development. Instead he was injecting the element of negativism and cynicism in the minds of the people. As usual he was trying to push his failures below the carpet and at the same time ignite the anti-Muslim passion amongst the Hindus.

Modi talks of Nationalism but his remark is devoid of this element. Modi instead of shirking of his responsibility should have preferred to a positive narration. Does he want to say that India has given up its commitment made to Independence? No doubt partition was the most dreaded day, more than a horror. But people during these years have worked hard to resurrect and project a new mighty India, which enjoys high level of acceptability and prestige across the globe. Indulging in pessimism will simply endanger the image of the country. Modi owes to the country to fulfil the dreams that India has perceived on August 15, 1947. A Prime Minister of India has to talk of future, not remind the people of that communal riots witnessing the beastly side of both the communities.

Modi has been desperately trying to depart India from the philosophy of “tryst with destiny”. He is trying to draw a new line of Independence from the day the saffron regime change took place in 2014. In fact his entire effort has been to negate the achievements made from 1947 to 2013. This is preposterous. Seven years of Modi rule has made the choice and trajectory of growth and development more complicated. RSS and BJP have been desperately striving through Modi to redefine our selfhood and identity.

Modi on this day announced a Rs 100 lakh crore infrastructure development programme 'Gatishakti', to boost employment opportunities. Proverbially peoples’ memory is short. But it is hard to forget that just two years back and that too speaking on August 15, he had announced a Rs 100 lakh crore project for creation of jobs for the youths. Modi who has formed the habit of speaking too much probably might have forgotten his old promise. The only new addition to the project has been insertion of the word Gatishakti to the old promise.

The prime minister also set a target to become energy independent by 2047, saying the goal can be achieved through a mix of electric mobility, moving to a gas-based economy and making the country a hub for hydrogen production. During his nearly 90 minutes speech, Modi said India will have to work together for manufacturing world-class products, using cutting-edge innovation and new age technology. He said that to further increase the developmental progress, the country will have to focus on the manufacturing sector and exports. Ironically both the sectors under his stewardship are in shambles.

The leaders who are products of electoral autocracy usually resort to this nature of falsehood and politics of hatred for their survival. It is a misnomer that Modi is a visionary. An insight into his style of functioning will make it clear that he simply recites the verses of the corporate sector or penned down by his bureaucrat advisors. He ran the Gujarat administration by invoking Hindutva element with the help of the RSS and is using the same communal model to rule India.

His raising the Pakistan Independence Day at this juncture has ominous design. It is significant that he is trying to arouse Hindu passion when the assembly election are to be held barely after seven months. In 2017 the BJP had romped home exploiting the communal riots of Muzaffarnagar of 2013. At that time the BJP had pit in Jats against the Muslims. But this time with the Jats in strong league with the Muslims on the farmers’ issue the BJP has started to foment stray communal clashes.

Entire focus of the RSS has been to win the UP election by hook or by crook. Their desperation in fact unravels the truth that the BJP is on weak ground notwithstanding Modi’s eulogy of Yogi Adityanath of running a very efficient, crime free and pro people government. Modi knows that the gateway to enter into the powerhouse of the state is in polarising the majority Hindu population. No emotive issue would work well than pricking the wound of partition.

But he is mistaken. Probably he has failed to gauge the mood of the people. The Kashmiri pandits who were once the core support base of the BJP have disowned the party. In a statement their association blamed the BJP of simply exploiting them for electoral gains. Astonishingly a section of these pandits are in favour of restoration of 370. The fact is seen years of Modi’s rule has alienated a vast mass of Hindus from the BJP and RSS also.

In sharp contrast the young chairman of Wipro Rishad Premji has come out with his own growth perception; “On this eve of the 75th anniversary of our Independence can we commit to ourselves that the HDP growth rate will be as much or higher than the GDP growth rate?” GDP indicates economic growth, while Human Development Product can help us identify and remove inequities and injustices. (IPA Service)