And, pray who are these people talking of a nexus of America and the Hinduphobic? There's nothing of the sort, who does not believe that Hinduism needs a makeover, and Hindutva a rigorous dismantling?
Hindutva, not Hinduism, has been a suppressor of human rights. And dismantling 'Global Hindutva' is a noble purpose, don't anybody link it with what is happening in Afghanistan, Kabul in particular. This is not like the American onslaught against the Islamic State of Khorasan, which is a terrorist organisation that dismembers human beings in most horrific manners, like it did at the Abbey Gate of Kabul Airport. Bomb and scoot. Suicide bomb.
Dismantling Global Hindutva is a necessity of the times. Hinduism cannot be allowed to regress, become monstrous. That will be 5000 years of build-up gone waste. In any case, the man who defined ‘Hindutva’ first is not worth his name on a slip of paper, the size of a yellow sticker. That man revolted against fair human behaviour and coined the term because he loathed himself, the loathing reflected in his abject surrender to the overbearing British of those days of Bhagat Singh and Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. For that person to be today glorified and eulogised for being the bravest of the brave is unacceptable. His “cowardice” fits Hindutva, not Hinduism.
Also, one Partition of India is tolerable, another cannot be envisaged. The colour of blood is red, not saffron. Those who say 'Dismantling Global Hindutva (DGH)' is a "partisan and politically-motivated" event to malign Hinduism and Hindus don't know what they're talking of. They are a bunch of people wedded to turning Hinduism into a pale copy of standard world religions, which, honestly speaking, are on their last legs. Hinduism is a way of life which needs some changes, definitely, but switching Hinduism with Hindutva is downright criminal, a mean person's narrow and evil interpretation.
Let us close our eyes and ears to remarks and statements like 'Ganesha's trunk is a limp phallus', and that the Gita is "dishonest". They are attempts to be creative and every honest jackass has the God-given right to be creative. Also all of Social media is fertile ground for creativity, and if some of that creativity is scurrilous and insulting why should it bother any of us so-called Hindus. So what if there are folks who laugh at some of us who are steadfast in our misplaced convictions, like willing to believe against all proven logic that Ganesha and Shiva idols drink milk.
Dismantling Global Hindutva is serious stuff. It's not about coming to an agreement, global and national, that it is simply cuckoo to believe that Ganesha and Shiva idols drink milk, their unquenchable thirst for Amul toned milk. Hindutva needs cleansing of its thirst for violence against believed cow smugglers, however persistent such folks are. It's quite another matter that all the cow smugglers are all of the same faith, and all the cow vigilante are also of one faith! Now, that's too much of having faith in Hindutva’s loud claims.
Dismantling Hindutva then becomes a necessity, a fait accompli. Like some folks should be informed that declaring the Bhagavad Gita “a dishonest book” calls for a reverse dismantling. If the Bhagwat Gita is dishonest then what is the guarantee the Bible and the Quran are honest rendering? Dismantling shouldn't be randomly done, or targeted. If there are people who have problems with the Bhagwat Gita, let it be made clear that nobody can do nothing about it. Anybody trying to dismantle the Gita will fail at the gates, let there be no hue and cry.
Then the question ‘whether there are Hinduphobics?’ should be examined. Going by logic, if there are the Islamophobic, then there's no denying that there are also the Hinduphobic. And it's then also quite logical that one guarantees the existence of the other. Then again, note that those who are out to dismantle Hindutva, those behind the 'Dismantling Global Hindutva' event, are mostly all Hindu, even if they're labelled as HINO or Hindu in name only!
The one big reason to dismantle Hindutva cited is that it's the reason for all the ills that plague India. That it abuses human rights. That among the Hindu are some of the vilest people on the planet. That if Hitler reincarnated, it's as a Hindu! But they haven't so far located the reincarnated Hitler though some claim they have zeroed in on the man, and that the gentleman is not difficult to identify; he speaks his mind on radio every Sunday, and that if he isn't on the rupee, that's because it's next to impossible to dismantle Mahatma Gandhi. Clue: The Hitler in our midst exemplifies Hindutva, and dismantling him is at the core of Dismantling Global Hindutva. The rest all is noise, surround sound! (IPA Service)
Sushil Kutty - 2021-08-28 09:46
Come September there will be a dismantling of Hindutva, which happens to be different from Hinduism. Wait, it is ‘Global Hindutva’ they are after; 'they' meaning people wanting to cut the throat of the RSS/BJP's book of Hindutva and leave in its wake the purest of pure Hinduism. Hindus should be happy and awfully grateful to these kind folks for this kind favour.